About Syddansk Elite
A helping hand for elite sports students
Syddansk Elite makes a difference
We are pleased to share the results of our latest user survey and would like to highlight two results in particular:
Easier to balance sport and education
The survey shows that Syddansk Elite has had a major impact on students’ ability to combine sport and education. A full 85% of respondents believe that Syddansk Elite has made it easier for them to balance their sport and education programme to a very high or high degree.
Several students have pointed to the help they have received in applying for exemptions, rescheduling exams and postponing deadlines. These opportunities are only possible thanks to the openness and understanding of the staff at the University of Southern Denmark, for which we are very grateful.
Syddansk Elite plays a major role in choosing SDU
Another important takeaway from the survey is that 49.8% of the student respondents answered that they probably would not, or definitely would not, have chosen to study at SDU if Syddansk Elite had not existed. This is an increase from last year’s results, and we are extremely proud of this development.
Would you like to know more?
Students at SDU can apply to become part of Syddansk Elite. The next deadline is Thursday 13 February 2025. So please spread the word about Syddansk Elite. It can make a big difference for students who combine elite sports with their studies. For more info, see sdu.dk (opens in a new tab).
On SDUnet, lecturers and other interested parties can find tips and tricks for their next meeting with a student who is part of Syddansk Elite. Read more on the Teaching Service page.