About practice-based learning
Learning in practice: How business collaborations can improve teaching
Increase students’ motivation and their understanding of relevance through practice-based teaching with business collaborations – and get off to a good start with qualified help.
Practice-based teaching increases the students’ motivation and their understanding of relevance
What happens when you invite a company or other relevant external organisation to participate in your teaching?
The students’ engagement in the subject – perhaps even in the entire education programme – increases. They will gain a better overview of exactly how their education is relevant in the labour market and how they can use the knowledge and skills they acquire on your course to create real value.
At least, that is what both research and our experience here at SDU indicate. And that is why it is absolutely worth getting involved in.
No need to rewrite the course description
There are many ways to invite a business or other external organisation to participate in your teaching.
The right practical activity for your course depends on several things: how far along the students are in the programme, your experience with business collaboration, the subject’s learning objectives and the resources you have available.
Some forms of practical involvement, such as brief presentations and guest lectures, do not necessarily require much planning or major changes to your course plan.
Other forms of involvement, such as more substantial case studies or company visits, require greater commitment and possible changes to the course description. On the other hand, the ambitions for the learning outcomes from the practical activity can also be set higher.
We maintain that the inclusion of practical elements can be appropriate in almost any course, as long as you choose a suitable format.
Help is available for all SDU lecturers
At SDU RIO, we have many years of experience with this type of collaboration. We have matched many courses and companies across all five faculties. Therefore, we know what it takes to make the process as smooth as possible – and the learning outcomes as fruitful as possible.
Regardless of your seniority, experience with business collaborations or academic profile, you are welcome to reach out to us.
We will not only help you identify and contact relevant businesses and organisations, but we will also help you all the way from idea to completion and the evaluated inclusion of practical elements, if you need it.
Visit our new web pages about the inclusion of practical elements here on the Teaching service page (opens in this tab) and read about how we at RIO can help you get started with inviting companies to participate in your teaching.
What might an internship activity with a business or other external organisation look like?
- Brief presentation or a guest lecture
- Small cases completed during a single teaching session
- Large case studies that extend over multiple teaching sessions and/or are part of the exam
- Visit a company
- Involvement of a single or several businesses/organisations