About study administration
Tips on planning digitally supported teaching
The Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s (MHES) definition of digitally supported teaching has raised a number of questions
The Ministry of Higher Education and Science has an hourly number system for reporting teaching and supervision hours, which shows how many teaching and supervision lessons the educational institutions plan to offer their students in higher education.
In March 2022, Universities Denmark and the MHES agreed on a new wording regarding the digitally supported (= ICT-based) teaching. The new wording reads as follows:
‘In order for the ICT-based activity (e.g. videos, feedback, quizzes and dialogue) to be included, it is required that the activity is organised, supervised and facilitated by the lecturer and that there is a significant interaction between lecturer and students in connection with the activity. ICT-based teaching can take place both synchronously and asynchronously. While there is no requirement for simultaneous presence, it is a requirement that the ICT-based activities are included as elements in the teaching. Only the lecturer’s planned time consumption for interaction (i.e. excluding teaching preparation, correction work etc.) can be included. ICT-based activities do not count in cases where the activities correspond to ordinary preparation. For example, in situations where students play recorded videos on their own or work with other digital learning resources.’
This new wording (but also the previous one) has caused many questions among individual lecturers or administrative staff members who have to plan ICT-based teaching as to exactly which teaching activities count. Therefore, SDU is currently in the process of deciding how the above wording will be implemented in practice. A clarification is expected before the coming semester, and the decision will be announced widely – including to education administrative staff, lecturers and e-learning staff.