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About rules

New classification: The grade and grade point average of individuals are classified as confidential information

This is the result of interdisciplinary discussions based on different practices

In the future, the grades and GPAs of individuals should be classified as confidential information at SDU. This is the primary message in the memo ‘Klassifikation af enkeltpersoners karakter og karaktergennemsnit’ (‘Classification of individuals' grades and grade point averages’), which has been prepared by the compliance unit at SDU Digital.

Because this is a new classification, it is important that the topic is made known to all staff members at SDU who may come into contact with individuals' grades and GPAs. This may include academic staff, technical/administrative staff, as well as any external examiners’ chairmanships administered by the secretariat at SDU.

By using the right systems for handling grades – STADS and Digital Eksamen – you can be confident the systems are geared to the new classification. However, if grades are handled by email, please make sure to delete the emails at a later date.

Would you like to know more?

Please contact your information security coordinator.

Editing was completed: 07.12.2022