(KU Leuven University)
Abstract: A brane in a symplectic manifold M is a coisotropic submanifold N together with a closed 2-form which is compatible in a specific sense. Despite being defined in terms of symplectic geometry, branes involve complex geometry in an essential way. We will state some results and open questions in the case N=M (space-filling branes), i.e. the case in which M carries a holomorphic symplectic form. For branes supported on lower-dimensional submanifolds, we then address the question of infinitesimal deformation of branes, and whether all coisotropic submanifolds nearby a given one are themselves branes. This talk is based on ongoing work with Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat.
- Organizer: Centre for Quantum Mathematics
- Address: Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M
- Contact Email: qm@sdu.dk
- Add to your calendar: https://eom.sdu.dk:443/events/ical/c9e8f8fc-f8ed-40fd-8fb4-25f5487ad573