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Evaluation strategy

Ongoing dialogue between lecturer and students about the form and direction of teaching.
Oral mid-term evaluation by lecturer.
All offered subjects are evaluated at the end of the course. An overview of the questions in the evaluations can be found further down the page.
Purpose: The purpose of the subject is and what I am expected to learn were made clear to me at an early stage of the course.
Purpose: I have made an effort to familiarise myself with the purpose of the subject and the expectations of me (e.g. by reading the course description).
Link: There is a clear connection between the purpose of the subject, the content of the teaching and the exam.
4 Understanding: I have gained a greater understanding of the subject’s themes and topics through the teaching (incl. independent preparation, work in study groups etc.)
5 Activity: The teaching has supported me in actively learning (e.g. through discussions, exercises, group work and independent preparation).
6 Activity: The expectations for my role as a student (e.g. in connection with discussions, exercises, group work and independent preparation) became clear in the teaching.
7 Activity: I have taken an active part in the teaching (e.g. in discussions, during exercises and in connection with group work).
Activity: What activities have supported you in active learning? Options: Discussions, exercises, group work during classes, group work outside class, independent preparation, other (open category).
Cooperation and dialogue: The cooperation and dialogue between students and lecturers was good.

Scoring scale: 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree, 6 = undecided/irrelevant

The Study Board processes the results of the evaluations twice a year, cf. the annual cycle, and in connection with the status meetings for the Educational Report.

The results of the evaluations are published via the reporting form for the evaluation of education programmes.

The Study Board’s evaluation strategy is discussed at least once a year, cf. the annual cycle.

It is essential that time is allocated during the course to complete the evaluation form (whether the teaching takes place online or in person). Next, it is important that the lecturer points out the importance of course evaluations to the students. You may want to emphasise that all evaluations are read and taken seriously by both the lecturer and the Study Board for Danish.
After each evaluation process is completed, the Study Board will make its report on the evaluations available to the students.

Last Updated 12.04.2021