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A word from the dean

A long and busy semester - and a well deserved summer break

It has been a particularly busy semester as many have had additional tasks and more work than usually. Now, a well deserved summer break awaits.

By Marianne Holmer, , 6/30/2022

Dear staff

Summer has finally arrived in Denmark - and the well-deserved holiday is just around the corner.

The hallways of the university is buzzing from the energy of happy graduates surrounded by friends and family. Champagne gets poured as our students are celebrating successful exams.

Society needs STEM graduates like never before. We are experiencing great demand and several of our graduates are already getting job offers before graduation. It is really nice that we get to celebrate in the coming days.

Above the good mood in our hallways rests a heavy cloud. The war in Ukraine is cruel and has no prospect of an end in our near future. It has major consequences for the global world order, which is now marked by instability and insecurity.

The need for green transition has become even more apparent as a result of the energy crisis. In addition, the climate crisis is even more visible as a result of the food crisis and extreme weather phenomena in many countries.

There is a need to find new solutions. Therefore, new knowledge is needed to create more security and sustainable solutions in the world. We can be proud that we contribute with new knowledge and with the education of graduates with relevant competencies.

It takes hard work all around the faculty, where everyone contributes to research and education. Many have worked extra hard this particular semester.

Partly by picking up after a long period with shutdowns (not all employees could return to Campus until February) and partly by dealing with new administrative systems and extra high activity on research projects.

This means that both researchers and administrative staff have put in many hours of work.

I hope the time now is for recovery. Recovery is not only important for cyclists in the Tour de France. This also applies to everyone else who works on long term tasks, experiencing the ups and downs of various hurdles, trying to get to the finish line with the best possible results.

Enjoy the Tour!

I wish you all a great summer.

Marianne Holmer, dean
Editing was completed: 30.06.2022