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Christmas with your colleague

Christmas with your colleague: Nikos Ntoumanis

Meet Nikos Ntoumanis, Professor at DRIVEN – Danish Centre for Motivation and Behaviour Science, Department of Sports Science and Biomechanics

By SUND Kommunikation, 12/19/2024

Nikos Ntoumanis ved siden af et juletræ

Can you tell from your office that Christmas is approaching?
Yes, I certainly can!  Lots of Christmas parties are being discussed or have already taken place in our building! People are already sharing their plans for their family Christmas celebrations, and there are a few Christmas decorations in the offices, including our Center’s office.

Is there anything or anyone that lifts your Christmas spirit at work?
Yes, my wife (and academic colleague!) She has been preparing for Christmas since late November! Also, our Centre had an excellent Christmas dinner at a nice French restaurant in the town, which was uplifting for everyone.

How are you celebrating Christmas this year?
Our younger daughter and I will be spending Christmas in Kos, Greece, where my mother is living on her own since my father passed away 4 years ago. Our older daughter and my wife will be spending Christmas in Odense with my wife’s side of her family, who they will be arriving form Zealand and Brussels.

Do you or someone you know have any special Christmas traditions?
I have become accustomed to the special Danish/Scandinavian tradition of singing and dancing around the Christmas tree. I was taken by surprise the first year I celebrated Christmas in Denmark, but now I am very used to this tradition and I am enjoying it. In Greece we celebrate Christmas on 25th . A special tradition on Christmas Day in Greece is children going around the houses in their neighborhood singing Christmas Carols.

What is on your menu for Christmas Eve?
Nothing special this year. We will celebrate with a big feast on Christmas Day: roast chicken and chicken soup!

Do you have a favorite Christmas recipe to share?
No, I am afraid no. Cooking is one of the many important life skills I do not possess!

What is your favorite Christmas movie or song?
Elf is my favorite Christmas movie. Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree is my favourite song.

Editing was completed: 19.12.2024