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The Student’s Column

Response to Charlotte Brøgger Bond's column

Thank you for this contribution, which unfortunately describes very well the process that was carried out in connection with the implementation of the teaching obligation for PhD students.

By Christian Godballe, Head of PhD School and Ole Skøtt, Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences , 12/20/2023

The process was far from elegant and was clearly characterised by time pressure and a lack of circumspection. It could have been done better! 

The teaching obligation has two purposes: 

  • Strengthening the dissemination element of the PhD programme 
  • Mobilising teaching resources from PhD students 

For the PhD School, the strengthening of dissemination is crucial. In line with the PhD Executive Order, the PhD School wishes to secure a minimum amount of teaching and dissemination for all enrolled PhD students. This has now been specified in the 200 factor-corrected hours. The current initiative brings us in line with other Danish SUND PhD schools, and the model that has been introduced closely resembles the model from AU. 

For the Faculty of Health Sciences and SDU as a whole, the mobilisation of teaching resources from our talented PhD students is a crucial element that will contribute to alleviating  the very serious financial pressure that the University is currently facing. There was therefore a strong desire for a quick implementation. 

But, as stated in the column, the PhD school’s announcements have been somewhat haphazard. We have listened to the constructive suggestions we have received, and we have made continuous adjustments together with the Dean’s Office and heads of department. ‘We have built the bicycle as we’ve been riding it’, and this has influenced the process. 

We are nearly done, but adjustments will still need to be made. Follow the PhD School’s website: htps:// eaching-obligations

Thank you to all for the constructive feedback. It is our hope that together we can make the teaching obligation work for the benefit of the PhD students’ education and the University’s finances. 

Editing was completed: 20.12.2023