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The Student’s Column

Reply to Frederik Ditlevsen’s column piece

A strong and active study environment in the Development Lab is important to the Faculty

By Dean Henrik Bindslev, Director of Studies Henning Andersen and Head of Department ITI (until 31/12/2023) Peder T. Ruhoff, 1/31/2024

We would like to begin by acknowledging the great effort carried out in the student association Development Lab at the Faculty of Engineering. A strong and active study environment in the Development Lab is important to the Faculty, and we have therefore also supported the environment with considerable resources. 

We can clearly reject the notion that prestige and finances are prioritised before safety and well-being as stated in the column piece. No one is exempted from the occupational health and safety legislation at the Faculty of Engineering. It goes without saying that the law applies to everyone, regardless of position. 

We are aware that the co-location of Development Lab and CreateLab has resulted in a number of challenges for users of the respective facilities. We have therefore found a solution where the Development Lab is to be moved and, in the future, will be centrally located as part of the SDU DreamLab in the newly inaugurated Mærsk 2 building.  

We are confident that the new location of the Development Lab in completely new and modern facilities will create a strong foundation for a continued active and dynamic study environment for the benefit of both the students and the Faculty. We can also guarantee that the activities in the Development Lab will continue to have our attention and receive the necessary support from the Faculty of Engineering.  


Editing was completed: 31.01.2024