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Company Portal is your new Software Center

SDU IT offers a number of different programs that you can install yourself on your Windows-computer. This has been available through the Software Center which is available on your computer. 

But now you can find the programs you can install yourself in a new place, called Company Portal, which is Microsoft's forward-looking solution to offer programs you can install on your computer. 

Company Portal is the place where you can already see information about your computer, but also find an overview of programs SDU IT has prepared that you can install on your computer if you need it. 

You start Company Portal by typing it in the Windows search field. The quick way is to press the Windows key on your keyboard which automatically opens the Windows search field, and when you start typing 'company portal' it will appear so you can open the portal. 

Software Center, will run for a while, but will be phased out. So already now you can get into the new habit of opening Company Portal when you need to use programs for your computer. 

If you have any questions or comments, the Servicedesk is always ready to help you. 

Editing was completed: 07.08.2023