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Innoexplorer grant

InnoExplorer is targeted at employees at public research and educational institutions and hospitals, that have achieved research results with commercial potential and aim to establish a business based on these results.

Internal SDU deadline applies. Please note the deadline for expression of interest to the SDU business developers below.

More on expression of interest for Innoexplorer

Dates and deadlines in 2024

 First application round
 January 7th  Deadline for expression of interest sent to SDU RIO
January 9th   Latest approval notification from RIO to apply under the program
January 31th   Application deadline for InnoExplorer
 March 6th  Latest date for completed training pitch
 March                       InnoExplorer panel (between March 11th and March 29th)
Second application round
March 11th Deadline for expression of interest sent to SDU RIO
April 2nd Latest approval notification from RIO to apply under the program
April 24th Application deadline for InnoExplorer
May 30th Latest date for completed training pitch
June                           InnoExplorer panel (between June 3rd and June 21st )
Third application round
August 19th Deadline for expression of interest sent to SDU RIO
September 3rd Latest approval notification from RIO to apply under the program
September 25th Application deadline for InnoExplorer
October 31st Latest date for completed training pitch
November InnoExplorer panel (between November 4th and November 22th)

At SDU there is a local screening and selection before applying for the Innoexplorer grant. A successful application generally requires a significant work effort in the months leading up to the deadline.

Applications for the Innoexplorer grant are more successful if:

  • The application is carefully planned and finished in due time before the deadline
  • Applicant has practiced pitching in front of a commercially-oriented panel
  • Applications are able to convince the panel of the project's uniqueness or "product/market fit"
  • Applicant is able to convince the panel of the team's ability to execute.

SDU therefore carries out an initial screening of interested applicants and to work intensively with the applicants and project proposals that are assessed to have a realistic chance of being granted a grant.

If the application is accepted, the RIO business developer provides resources, commercial databases and a training panel to provide the best possible prerequisite for a producer to produce a successful application.

An overview of the process:

Expression of interest

Potential applicants indicate their interest to RIO's business developers in the Commercialisation team by describing the project proposal on one A4 page based on the headings:

  1. Who is the applicant and possibly team
  2. The quality of the idea
  3. Impact
  4. Quality in execution

The headings are detailed in the Innovation Fund material linked to on this page. Expressions of interest should be sent to a RIO business developer or office manager Thomas Schmidt at

Development of the application

RIO screens and qualifies through interview all expressions of interest.

If RIO decides to go ahead with the project proposal, a RIO business developer draws up the application material and pitch presentation together with the researcher. Pitch is trained in front of an internal RIO panel.


Application to the Innovation Fund

If RIO assesses that the application has a realistic chance of being granted, the application receives the necessary declaration of support in order to apply for the Innovation Fund.

The applicant and RIO business developer together ensure that the application, budget and supporting material are uploaded correctly on the e-grant portal.


Pitch in front of panel

If the Innovation Fund approves the formalities of the application, the applicant is invited to pitch the project to the Innoexplorer panel.

Applicant must participate in the pitch. In addition, other members of the team, such as group members or collaborators in the project from other institutions, can participate. Finally, the associated RIO business developer participates.

On the basis of the application and pitch, Innoexplorer recommends to the Innovation Fund's panel whether the application should be accepted.

Grants are given to employees at Danish research and educational institutions as well as employees at hospitals who carry out research as part of their employment and have their main employment at the institution from which they apply.

The funding can go to salaries (permanent and temporary) as well as materials, external consultants. There is 44% overhead for universities.

The application consists of a written part and an oral presentation to a panel. The panel was set up by the Innovation Fund and consists of people with experience from industry and/or investments in start-ups.

The applications are assessed by the panel based on the following three headings:

  1. The quality of the idea
  2. Impact
  3. Quality in execution

See other grant opportunities for innovators


Contact a business developer that covers your field of expertise.

Find the business developers

SDU RIO University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230

Last Updated 02.10.2024