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Academic Council

Latest news from the Academic Council at SUND

Study administration at SDU, KOP23 and future budget as well as merit criteria for associate professors and adjuncts. These were among the points discussed at the last meeting of the Academic Council at SUND. You can find the minutes from the meeting here.

By Bente Kjær, 10/23/2023

The Academic Council is tasked with ensuring the influence of students and academic staff on professional and academic matters.

At the meeting of the Academic Council (AC) on September 7, 2023, the following items were on the agenda:

  • Carve report on study administration at SDU and the further process.
  • Presentation on KOP23 and future budget.
  • Merit criteria for associate professors and adjuncts.

Additionally, there were points for information from:

  • The Chairman
  • The Dean
  • Student representatives
  • Technical and Administrative Staff 

Read the minutes from the meeting here for further information.
Please note that the minute is only available in Danish.

Om Akademisk Råd

Akademisk Råd på SUND har til opgave at sikre de studerendes og de videnskabelige medarbejderes indflydelse på faglige og akademiske forhold.

Akademisk Råd kan udtale sig og rådgive fakultetets ledelse om akademiske forhold, herunder forhold af relevans for fakultetets udvikling, organisering og økonomi.

Rådet består af en formand og 11 medlemmer, som er henholdsvis VIP, TAP og studenterrepræsentanter. Dekanen er født medlem af rådet.

Rådet holder møder mindst to gange per semester.

Læs mere Akademisk Råd på SUND her.

Editing was completed: 23.10.2023