New HEALTH: Guidelines for teaching during the interim period
What will happen to the teaching during the period when HEALTH has moved to Campus Odense, while OUH remains at the existing location?
Most of the teaching that takes place today at Winsløvparken (WP) is expected to take place in the new HEALTH building on Campus Odense from the start of the fall semester in 2023.
However, certain activities depend on the new OUH building being put into use, while others require special measures during the period when HEALTH but not OUH has moved to Campus Odense.
Currently, we are looking at how the puzzle can be solved based on the many considerations that need to be taken into account, such as schedule planning, use of locations, and opportunities for online teaching, with a particular focus on the well-being of the students.
In addition, there is also a focus on creating good conditions for the teaching provided by clinicians from OUH, where logistics between clinical work and transportation to Campus Odense can be a challenge.
In this connection, a number of measures have been taken to ensure the best possible conditions for teaching during the interim period.