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New pages about data protection and information security

Do you need a brush-up of how to think about data protection and information security in your work? Then take a look at the new universe with user-oriented information about data protection and information security for you as a researcher, a lecturer or an employee in the Central University Administration.

By Natalie Maria Olsen , , 9/20/2021

The General Data Protection Regulation came into force on 25 May 2018, and most of us probably remember how much focus there was on the rules internationally, nationally – and not least at SDU. The proper processing of information remains a key foundation in the university’ daily activities and for SDU’s creation of value for and with the surrounding community.

To help you as a researcher, a lecturer or an administrative employee, SDU Digital, in collaboration with the local GDPR and information security coordinators, among others, has established a universe with user-oriented information about data protection and information security. Here you can read more about consent, the rights of data subjects, what to consider before/during/after your research project, read about the work of the committee on information security and data protection and much more.

A key part of the new pages is that in the future you have to register security incidents in a different way than what you are used to. If you become aware of a security breach, you now have to fill in the web form with the relevant information and then simply click ‘Send’.

When working on the new universe, we thought big and started small, so if you did not find the answer to what you were looking for, you are very welcome to contact your local GDPR or information security coordinator.

Editing was completed: 20.09.2021