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Prominent Rector resigns from the University of Southern Denmark

Having landed a new job, Henrik Dam will be stepping down as Rector of SDU at the end of July.

In 2014, Henrik Dam switched his position as Dean at the Faculty of Law at the University of Copenhagen for the position as Rector of SDU. For seven years, he has left his mark on Denmark’s third largest university by, among other things, introducing a new admission system, internationalisation and a new strategic focus on sustainability in research and education.

But now, new challenges await the 53-year-old rector, who has accepted the position as Director of the Organisation of General Practitioners and therefore will be leaving SDU at the end of July.

A prominent leader

- It has been a truly great privilege to be at the helm of SDU, which boasts so many talented and dedicated employees and students. I have enjoyed every single workday at SDU, and I feel a sadness leaving this exciting and innovative place. At the same time, I look forward to embarking on a new chapter in my working life, says Henrik Dam.

That a truly prominent leader has now chosen to bid SDU farewell is also emphasised by Niels Thorborg, Chairman of the Board of SDU.

- SDU must now bid farewell to a great and important personage. I would like to express my greatest thanks to Henrik Dam for a fantastic working relationship. He leaves behind an extremely well-operated university, which has the very best conditions for creating value for society and promoting unique, innovative solutions for the benefit of a sustainable world in the form of strategic efforts with the SDGs, both locally and internationally.

SDU will now set out to find Henrik Dam’s successor.

Editing was completed: 20.05.2021