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Organisational restructuring

Human Resource Service makes organisational restructuring

The outside world and requirements put on HR are constantly changing. Greater and more differentiated demands are being put on our work with HR topics. These include increased digitalisation and internationalisation, increased focus on equal opportunities and changing approaches to and frameworks for recruitment, career paths and good management practices at SDU.

SDU’s HR work aims to support the direction of the University by delivering quality HR services. These must be clearly organised in a structure that is oriented towards SDU, making it easy for organisation to get in touch with us for assistance.

Human Resource Service is therefore initiating a process that will result in a streamlined organisation being launched on 1 February 2022. Going forward, we will consist of fewer departments, each with its own clear area of responsibility, and we will change our name to SDU HR.

SDU HR as from 01/02/2022

SDU HR will consist of four departments and two staff functions.

  • Employees are responsible for conditions of employment at SDU for all employees, both Danish and international
  • Salary is responsible for payment of salary, holiday allowance, securing of data related to salary, obtaining refunds etc.
  • Working Environment and HR Development are responsible for staff and manager development, course management for employees and the working environment at SDU
  • HR Digital has an unchanged area of responsibility and focuses on digital aspects of the HR tasks, i.e. system responsibility, data management and responsibility for HR-related systems such as HCM, Acadre, the wage negotiation system etc. Bjarne Nielsen continues as Head of Department.
  • HR Staff is responsible for strategic HR, cross-sectoral tasks, secretarial function, finance and procurement etc.
  • GET (Gender Equality Team) has an unchanged area of responsibility and works with diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion, both internally at SDU and towards the rest of society. Eva Sophia Myers continues to head the GET.

We are advertising four of the six management positions due to significant changes in the areas of responsibility compared with the current positions. The positions will be advertised in December.

No redundancies are planned in connection with the restructuring of Human Resource Service.

Lisbeth Møller, Head of Human Relations
10 December 2021

Editing was completed: 16.12.2021