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New SDUnet

The menu item ‘Tools’ on SDUnet will have a new name and content

The work on the new Service Pages on SDUnet has now progressed so far that we will soon begin to make changes to the menu item ‘Tools’.

By Trine Højlund Sandberg, , 9/10/2021

The work on the Service Pages on SDUnet is progressing, and we are now so far that we will soon start rolling out the new pages.
For you as an employee, this means that you will have to get used to finding the information that was usually in the ‘toolbar column’ on SDUnet as content on the Service Pages.
– see the image below:

On the new SDUnet, theme-based Service Pages will replace the ‘old’ toolbar column. This also means that the name of the menu item ‘Tools’ will change to ‘Service Pages’.

Under the new menu item ‘Service Pages’, there will be these Service Pages:

• Digitalisation and IT
• HR
• SDU Communications
• Financial Services
• Technical Services

This means that information you have previously been able to find under the menu item ‘Tools’ will be located under the area to which it belongs. This means, for example, that ‘travel reimbursement’ and everything about zExpense can be found under the Service Page of Financial Services. Information about holidays etc. will be located under the Service Page of HR, etc.

For a short transition period, the old menu item ’Tools’ will be at the bottom of the new menu item ‘Service Pages’ – but since all content to be used in the future should have been transferred to the new Service Pages, we do not recommend that you access the information on the old pages as the information will no longer be updated.

As soon as possible, we will start deleting the content of the old toolbar column. Unfortunately, this also means that if you have saved shortcuts to the old location, you may find that the link is no longer working.

If this happens, we encourage you to first try to find the information on the new Service Page yourself before contacting the responsible unit. If, after an attempt, you still cannot find the information, please contact the unit responsible for the information so they can help you find it.

On the current SDUnet, content for our non-Danish-speaking colleagues has been non-existent. On the new SDUnet, we have prioritised getting all the Danish content in place first. This does not mean that there will be no English content on the Service Pages. The content will be uploaded as soon as it is translated. Our non-Danish-speaking employees will therefore experience that the content in English will appear gradually, but most importantly – it will appear.

The Service Pages are only the first step on the way to a new SDUnet

The vision for the new SDUnet is to make it easier to find the information you need as an employee. Therefore, this also means that the Service Pages are only the first step on the way to a new SDUnet.

The next step will be to establish Employee Portals for all units at SDU (at first, faculties, departments and units in the Central Administration). As part of the work on the Employee Portals, we will also look into creating targeted information for our researchers and lecturers – something that has traditionally been lacking on the current SDUnet.

Among other things, the Employee Portals will contain all central rules in relation to the conditions of employment and the working environment, and the central units of the Central Administration will still be responsible for maintaining this content.

Additionally, it will be possible for the faculties to insert the faculty-specific information in the Employee Portal, and finally it will be possible to make adaptations right down to the unit level with information considered necessary by the unit. An example of this could be a completely local working environment rule or the possibility of borrowing cars internally in the unit.

The units’ Employee Portals are expected to be completed by the end of November, and the plan is that the vast majority of employees will then have their daily information needs met directly on the unit’s Employee Portal instead of having to look for the information on SDUnet.

The idea is that to a large extent you will only have to relate to the Employee Portal, and then you – as an employee – will know that you are up to date with the latest news, rules and frameworks, etc.

For employees working at a faculty, it will be the web editor on the faculty to first qualify the central template for an Employee Portal, which will be made available soon.

SDU Communications will handle the roll-out of the Employee Portals in the Central Administration, including the Rector’s Office and SDU Rio. If you want to know more about what will happen when, you can read more here:

Editing was completed: 10.09.2021