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Elections for the Occupational Health and Safety Organisation

Elections for the Occupational Health and Safety Organisation at SDU

Following the implementation of a new local agreement regarding the organisation of occupational health and safety work at SDU, elections are now being called for the occupational health and safety organisation.

By SDU HR, 6/13/2024

An attractive work environment where employees thrive is crucial both strategically and in day-to-day operations, and SDU requires systematic and qualified efforts in occupational health and safety to ensure this.

As an occupational health representative, you contribute to ensuring that SDU maintains a healthy and safe work environment. You will have dedicated time for occupational health tasks, the opportunity to share knowledge with other occupational health representatives, and access to resources for building and maintaining competencies related to both physical and mental work environment.

If you’re considering running for the position of occupational health representative, you can gain an overview of the occupational health organisation, the tasks performed, and the expectations for your role. Additionally, information about support for daily occupational health work and opportunities for competence development as a member of the occupational health organisation is available.

On the service page related to the election for the occupational health organisation, you can find more details about the rules and requirements for the election process, including suggestions for local adaptations.

SDU’s portal for participation and involvement provides an introduction to occupational health and safety work at SDU.

Elections for all occupational health groups must be completed, approved by the head of section and reported to the Occupational Health Team before the summer vacation.

Elections for the campus occupational health committee (CAMU), coordinating health and safety committee of the faculties and the Central Administration (FAMU), and the General Occupational Health Committee (HOAMU) will take place after the summer.

Editing was completed: 13.06.2024