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Would you like to know more about SDU’s consumption principles?

The procurement of goods and services generates the largest proportion of the University's CO2 emissions – emitting eight times more CO2 than our second largest source. However, by focusing on sustainable consumption, SDU can significantly reduce the University’s climate footprint.

Would your institute, department or centre like to learn more about sustainable consumption? Procurement and Tendering would be delighted to come and tell you about the consumption principles.

In 2024, the Executive Board adopted SDU’s consumption principles, which must be adhered to when considering any purchase for the University. See the article on the mandatory principles of consumption here .

Since then, Procurement and Tendering has visited all five faculties to give presentations on the consumption principles.

– We think from the outside in. What does society do? What does SDU do? And what can we do ourselves? This is according to Jesper Lundorff Hoffmann, Head of Procurement and Tendering.

Many climate improvements are taking place in our society – the transition to green energy, climate-friendly urban planning, stricter environmental requirements for companies. In SDU’s Climate Plan 2.0 , one of the goals in Scope 3 is a 15 per cent reduction in CO2 emissions compared to 2018 regarding the procurement of goods and services.

Sustainable choices in everyday life

– And it is in this last category that the consumption principles come into play. They cover everything that we can do as individuals – the small choices that all add up and make a difference, continues Jesper Lundorff Hoffmann.

For example, should we repair or throw away? Should we buy second-hand if it meets our needs? Can we find what we need in SDU’s internal marketplace ?

– If you would like to learn more about how these reflections can be integrated into our daily lives or about how the consumption principles can be customised for your area, we will gladly come by and tell you about them.

Contact Procurement and Tendering here:

Read more about the mandatory rules
On SDUnet you can find the service page about the consumption principles . Here you can find an overview of the rules.

Editing was completed: 11.03.2025