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Minutes faculty management

Performance and development review, group development review, and leadership development review; buildings and facilities; strategy 2024

Read the minutes from the faculty management meetings on August 22 and September 5, 2023

By Tina Ellehuus Larsen, , 9/15/2023

In the minutes from the faculty management meeting on 22 August 2023 (Danish only), you can read about:

  • Change of the performance and development review for employed PhD Students (MUS): The Faculty Leadership decided that BMB will be the pilot institute for testing the PhD Committee's proposed changes to employed PhD Students performance and development review  (MUS) in the coming year.
  • Financial Organisation and Funding of the Finance Function at NAT: Tine Kristiansen participated in the meeting to discuss financial organisation and funding. It was agreed that Tine will prepare a proposal for a new funding model. Otherwise, there was satisfaction with the current financial organisation.
  • Buildings and Facilities: Technical coordinator Peter Søholt Pedersen participated with a review of the latest developments regarding the comprehensive plan for facilities and buildings at the faculty.
  • Performance and development review (MUS), group development review (GRUS), and Leadership Development Review (LUS): New SDU Concept: The Faculty Leadership discussed SDU's new concept and decided to maintain the current MUS concept in NAT. Additionally, they added that there is freedom to choose the method, so one can also use SDU's concept if desired.

In the minutes from the faculty management meeting on 5 September 2023 (Danish only), you can read about:

  • Strategy 2021-2025: The faculty leadership had an initial discussion of proposals for priorities in the 2024 strategy.
  • Marketing Budget 2024: The faculty leadership approved the presented proposal for the faculty's marketing budget for 2024.
Editing was completed: 15.09.2023