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Supplementary faculty rules for the employment of PhD students

Regarding § 3

All PhD positions at the Faculty of Science must be advertised internationally.

Regarding § 4

An assessment committee consisting of the department’s PhD study committee is established. The committee prepares the academic assessment according to the rules in the Employment Order and the following guidelines.

Regarding § 5

The PhD study committee is no longer allowed to prioritise among applicants, not even a guiding prioritisation. The assessment is solely an academic evaluation of whether the applicants are qualified for admission to the PhD programme based on the following academic criteria:

  • Total grade point average (Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees – either combined or separately)
  • Grade point average of the subjects in the study programme for the application
  • Progress of the Master’s thesis project in the 5+3 programme (Bachelor project in the 4+4 programme)
  • Study duration
  • Any publications in connection with the supervisor’s statement on these
  • Statements
  • Any other relevant factors (e.g., research stays abroad)

Therefore, the committee must conclusively determine whether the applicant is “qualified” or “not qualified” for the position, if necessary “not yet qualified” or “not qualified based on the current grounds.” Thus, grading such as “well-qualified” or “highly qualified” is no longer used in the assessments.

If there are multiple qualified applicants, the individual conclusion of the assessment regarding these must be detailed enough for the appointment committee to distinguish between the applicants and their qualifications.

Regarding § 7

An appointment committee consisting of the head of the department, the chair of the PhD study committee, and the supervisor is established in order to collectively identify the best qualified candidate. In the committee’s recommendation of the applicant for the position, the two to three main considerations that form the basis for the selection of this particular applicant are noted for use in rejection justifications.

In connection with PhD positions, interviews with one or more of the applicants may be held before the appointment committee makes a decision on submitting a request for employment.

Last Updated 24.09.2024