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You must notify your immediate manager (Niels Kring or Tine H. Kristiansen) that you are ill no later than 9.00 a.m. on the first day of illness - preferably by e-mail, with a copy to Solvej Davidsen. However, notifications by SMS message or phone call are also accepted if, for some reason, you are unable to send an e-mail.

If, on the first day of illness, you don't know when you expect to return to work, you should report sick every day throughout your period of illness.

If you are to undergo surgery or prolonged treatment, you must inform your immediate manager of the dates of your absence as soon as you know them. This is to enable the work to be planned and tasks to be reassigned.

Child's 1st and 2nd days of illness

serious illness, death or burial in the immediate family

Serious illness, death or burial in the immediate family

You may be allowed to take full or partial leave with pay in case of serious illness, death or burial in your immediate family.

It is your immediate manager (Niels Kring or Tine H. Kristiansen) who decides how many days off you can be allowed to take, based on an individual and concrete assessment of the individual situation.

Last Updated 28.11.2024