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DFF - Green transition - Res Proj 1

Deadline - 16th of April, 2024
Amount - 2.2 mio DKK excl. overhead for up to 3 years

Phone: +45 7231 8200
Webpage: DFF Green Transition

To advance the quality of Danish research, DFF offers funding for research projects within an economic framework of up to DKK 2.2 million, excluding overhead. A DFF-Research Project1 (thematic)
is characterised by being a clear and well-defined research question, where the research activities are
expected to be of a high international quality. A DFF-Research Project1 (thematic) typically spans 3
years, but it is possible to apply for a 4-year project if a PhD student is involved in the project.
Applicant requirements
The applicant must be able to document independent research experience typically corresponding to
3 years of research or more after having obtained a PhD (or similar qualifications). The applicant’s
previous results will be assessed in relation to his/her career and in relation to the scientific challenges
of the project applied for. If the applicant is not an associate professor and has not obtained a positive
associate professor assessment (“lektorbedømmelse”), and the project involves education of researchers, it must be stated in the application how the relevant supervision will be provided, and how the
scientific connection of the research students to the project will be ensured.
Application requirements
DFF places emphasis on the requirement that the application includes a clear account of the ways in
which the project contributes to the green transition. Additionally, DFF attaches importance to the
project description containing a description of the content of any sub-projects, including PhD and
postdoctoral projects. The applicant can apply for funding for PhD and postdoctoral scholarships if
they have a clear independent function within, and form an integral part of, the research project. Postdoctoral candidates must have obtained their PhD or achieved equivalent qualifications, e.g. a positive
assistant professorship evaluation (“adjunktbedømmelse”), within the last four years at the time of
the application deadline.
There must be a sufficiently balanced relationship between the roles of all listed participants in the
project, and the concrete roles of each participant must be accounted for/justified.
An account of the proposed recruitment process must be provided, if the application includes requests
for funding of unnamed PhD students and/or unnamed postdoctoral candidates

Independent Research Fund