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Q&A: The special doors in the SUND building

Have you also noticed that some of the doors in the SUND building look different from the others? They are part of an artwork created by the Danish artist FOS, who explores how everyday objects can be given new meaning.

By SUND Kommunikation, , 1/31/2025

Question for the Q&A:

What is the meaning behind the wooden doors scattered around SUND – is it art?
Tre af de døre af kunstneren FOS, som du finder i SUND-bygningen på SDU

Dear colleague,

Thank you for your question.

Yes, the special doors you come across in various places in the SUND building are part of an artwork created by the Danish artist FOS. His work focuses on giving everyday objects new meaning and encouraging us to see them in a different way.

According to FOS, the aim of the artwork in the SUND building is to highlight the spaces where we meet and move through the building.

 He has not only designed the doors but is also behind the colourful, organically shaped tables with matching chairs, as well as the distinctive lamps hanging in some corners of the Axis – and the bell in front of auditoriums 300 and 301. The idea is to make us reflect on how we use these spaces and how they influence us. 

Bord, stole og lampe af kunstneren FOS i SUND-bygningen på SDU

Lampe af kunstneren FOS i SUND-bygningen på SDU

The doors are more than just doors

The doors in the SUND building are made with handcrafted Indonesian panels, designed to mark the transition from corridor spaces to more private rooms, such as meeting rooms. A few of the doors even lead to toilets.

Each door is unique, and the idea is that they should not only be functional but also create a special experience. The detailed carvings and traces of craftsmanship serve as a reminder that a door is not just a door – it is a passage from one place to another, both physically and mentally.

Tre af de døre af kunstneren FOS, som du finder i SUND-bygningen på SDU

Art and everyday life come together

FOS has created his artwork with the aim of giving the SUND building a unique identity—a place where people can work, meet, and find inspiration.

So next time you walk through the building, take a moment to notice the doors, tables, and other details. They are not just part of the interior design—they are meant to make the building a more vibrant and engaging place to be.

Best regards,
SUND Communication

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About the artist FOS

FOS (b. 1971) is a Danish artist based in Copenhagen who works both in Denmark and internationally. His work has been exhibited in various contexts, including the fashion house Celine’s stores and the Venice Biennale in 2011.

He has a particular interest in the intersection of art and design, which he explored, for example, in the 2006 redesign of Mændenes Hjem (a shelter for homeless men) in Vesterbro, in collaboration with Kenneth Balfelt.

Read more about FOS (Thomas Poulsen) here.

Editing was completed: 31.01.2025