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Book Your Portrait Photo Session

Exclusive Offer for VIPs: Book Your Portrait Photo Session

On June 18th, you can have a professional portrait photo taken, which both you and we at SUND Communication can use. The offer is free. Read more and book a slot.

By SUND Kommunikation, 5/30/2024

You need it, and we need it – a good photo of you.

As a researcher, it is a good idea to have a reasonably updated high-quality portrait photo for use on websites, for funding bodies, collaborators, and the press.

Therefore, we at SUND Communication have hired photographer Bobby Mandrup on Tuesday, June 18th.

He will be taking photos from 10:00 to 12:00 and again from 13:00 to 15:30.

The sessions will take place in the SUND building on the Odense campus in front of auditoriums 300 and 301.
Each session takes just five minutes.

Click here to book a slot.

If there is overwhelming interest, we will repeat the event as soon as possible.

If you have questions, please reach out to Marianne Lie Becker at

Editing was completed: 30.05.2024