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Leverforskning vinder årets ph.d.-cup

Syv veloplagte ph.d.-studerende dystede fredag eftermiddag i forskningsformidling. Johanne Kragh Hansen fra Klinisk Institut og FLASH – Center for Leverforskning løb med sejren.

Kan man drikke sig ud af sin leversygdom? Sådan indledte ph.d.-studerende Johanne Kragh Hansen sin præsentation til årets ph.d.-cup.

Hun har undersøgt, hvad det bedste kosttilskud er til mennesker med kronisk leversygdom, hvor leversygdommen skyldes alkohol. Det er altså ikke alkohol, der skal drikkes, men kosttilskud. Og det viser sig, at man faktisk kan bremse udviklingen af leversygdom ved konsekvent at drikke en form for såkaldt postbiotikum, som giver bedre vilkår til gode bakterier i tarmfloraen.

Dommerpanelet nævnte blandt andet, at Johanne Kragh Hansens præsentation bar præg af en god ro og et klart narrativ.
Mød forskeren

Johanne Kragh Hansen er tilknyttet Klinisk Institut på SDU og FLASH – Center for Leverforskning.


About Charlotta Pisinger

Charlotta Pisinger graduated as a doctor from the University of Copenhagen in 1988 and worked for several years in hospitals, including a year in the Faroe Islands. The years in the pulmonary medicine department opened her eyes to the extensive consequences of smoking, and smoking prevention became her research focus. She was also trained as a smoking cessation counsellor and gained experience in helping patients and citizens out of nicotine addiction.

She is married to Niels Ulrich. They have five children and four grandchildren. Charlotta Pisinger fled Prague with her parents and two siblings at the age of eight and ended up in Denmark.

Charlotta Pisinger is widely used as a speaker around the world and has received several Danish and international awards, most recently the Public Health Award. She has given presentations in the European Parliament, held positions of trust in many medical societies and contributed to national and international recommendations, including for the WHO, which also uses her as an expert. She is a tireless communicator in the field of tobacco, e.g. in feature articles and podcasts, at home and abroad. In addition, she is often in dialogue with politicians at Christiansborg and is passionate about research having an impact on legislation.

Charlotta Pisinger's PhD thesis was prepared at the Research Centre for Prevention and Health at Glostrup Hospital, with Professor Torben Jørgensen, who became her mentor. The dissertation dealt with a lifestyle intervention offering support for smoking cessation. 

Deltagere og dommerpanel ved årets ph.d.-cup.

Deltagere ved årets ph.d.-cup.

Vinderen af årets ph.d.-cup, Johanne Kragh Hansen.

Åben forskerdag 2023.

Editing was completed: 07.11.2023