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Rules and regulations for the award of the titles of adjunct professor and adjunct associate professor

The legal basis is the Danish Ministerial Order of April 12, 2019 on the award of the titles adjunct professor and adjunct associate professor.

Formal requirements for awarding one of these titles:

  • Research activity
  • Research collaboration with SDU


A research unit’s recommendation on the award of the title of adjunct professor or adjunct associate professor must be addressed to the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and sent by e-mail to the departmental management/the Head of the Department (which will forward the recommendation to the Dean’s manager in the field).

The recommendation must contain:

  • An explanatory statement for why the title is recommended, an indication of the subject in which the title is recommended, and finally an indication of the period (up to 5 years).
  • An updated CV and publication list.
  • If the person recommended is not a professor (or associate professor) in advance, an expert assessment committee must be suggested, consisting of 1 chairman from SDU at professor / associate professor level and two external experts at professor / associate professor level within the research field in question. The assessment committee must be appointed in accordance with the Danish Public Administration Act (Forvaltningsloven), § 3 about incapacity

The faculty’s Academic Council must approve:

  • the department’s recommendation on the award of the title,
  • the composition of the assessment committee (if any)
  • and finally the assessment from the expert assessment committee (if any).

Once the Academic Council has been heard and has approved the case, the faculty will ask the Vice-Chancellor to award the title.

In the mail to the Vice-Chancellor, the following documents must be attached:

  • The department’s recommendation on the award of the title
  • a CV
  • a publication List
  • the assessment by experts (if any).

After that, the Vice-chancellor offers the title.

Once the commitment has been made, the Vice-chancellor will send an official affiliation letter, confirming the award for up to 5 years.

An adjunct professor or associate professor does not receive a salary, but

- has the right to use the title for up to 5 years (according to the letter from the vice-chancellor),
- by agreement, can be paid for regular assignments (from the department's account),
- by agreement, could be paid travel expenses in respect of tasks on SDU.

An adjunct professor or associate professor can

- hold lectures,
- join assessment committees,
- be a supervisor,
- participate in research / cooperation with the department on research projects.

The faculty / department will arrange an inaugural seminar.

Particular addition for the Department of Clinical Research:

In addition to the above, adjunct professors are expected to:

  • Establish or develop research collaboration with the research units
  • Visit the research unit 1-2 times a year
  • Be co-authors on publications derived from the collaboration with the research unit
  • Be co-advisors on research unit strategy and projects
  • Apply for funding from both national and international funds
  • Facilitate the exchange of pre-graduate and PhD-students
  • Supervise PhD-students

Furthermore, adjunct professors are welcome to hold lectures and to teach pre-graduate and PhD-students.

Adjunct professors and adjunct associate professors are not part of the department’s regular staff and do not receive any salary.

Last Updated 28.06.2024