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A successful application for Horizon Europe: Scientific-technical excellence is key, but don’t forget the other aspects

When: April 21st at 10:00 -12:30

What: The European Commission is organising an open information session to inform all potential applicants to Horizon Europe calls on the modalities for preparing their proposals. It will focus on the policy considerations that participants need to take into account when preparing their proposals, like open science, gender dimension or dissemination, exploitation and communication aspects.

Draft agenda:
10:00 Presentation, agenda and logistics
10:10 New approach to impact following the Key Impact Pathways
10:40 Open Science
11:10 Gender dimension
11:40 Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication
12:10 “Do no significant harm” principle
12:30 End of the session

Who: The session is targeted researchers who plan to partake in the Horizon Europe programme

Where: This Horizon Europe webinar will take place via YouTube only

How: You sign up here

Presenter: The European Commission


Sidst opdateret: 13.11.2023