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Master Class Marie Skłodowska Curie PF

 When: May 6th at 13.00-16:00, May 7th at 11.00-15.30 and June 18th at 13.30-16.00

What: This 3-day masterclass will help fellows and hosts to understand the specifics of writing this Career Development Grant. With the expertise of an external expert (day 1 and day 3) and SDU research support in pre-submission review, supervision and evaluation of Marie Curie IF grants (day 2) we will get you started and help you in the process of submitting the grant.

Who: The Masterclass is targeted researchers who want to become an MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow and their host. Eligible fellows must have a doctoral degree and maximum 8 years of research experience at the time of application and may not have resided in Denmark more than 12 months prior to the application deadline.

Where: Zoom

How: You sign up by sending an email to Marlene Elnegaard. Please write the session name in the subject line. Moreover prior to the Masterclass, fellows shall submit a one pager with their project idea as well as a cv prepared in the MSCA IF template to the Southern Denmark Research Support Office. Marlene Elnegaard,

Presenter: Different presenters

Sidst opdateret: 13.11.2023