Waste sorting is now coming to TEK in Odense
From 30 January 2023, employees and students must sort in 5 fractions on Campusvej
That means:
- Common waste stations are set up in common corridor areas during week 4
- From week 5, the new waste stations will be in use
- Bins are no longer emptied in offices and in meeting and teaching rooms. Resources spent on emptying are instead allocated to emptying the many new waste stations on the corridors, which contribute to higher quality waste sorting
Collection of small waste bins from offices and meeting rooms
Since bins are no longer emptied in offices and in meeting and teaching rooms, the bins are collected by Technical Service on Monday in week 5 - you will be informed in more detail by your respective institute. If you choose to keep your bucket, you are responsible for emptying it yourself, and plastic bags are not supplied for these.
There will be continuous information about the new waste stations on SDUnet and mitSDU
Read more by clicking this link.
Efforts to increase waste sorting are part of SDU's Climate Plan 2030.