Covid-19 restrictions liftet at TEK
Dear all
As stated in the recent e-mail from the University director it is with joy that we note that all restriction at higher educations will come to an end as of February, 1st 2022. This mean that TEK will start the new semester as before Corona with all teaching, study start activities, counselling etc. physically on campus with no limitations. Social gatherings among students and staff is also possible again.
If there is substantial absence in a class or it for other reasons is sensible to stream physical teaching to those unable to be present, the teacher can choose to do so - but teaching may not be converted to online.
The Academic Study Board has previously at an extraordinary meeting decided, that reexams will, as a basic rule, be held in the same format as the ordinary exams, ie. mainly as online exams. This decision will be maintained to ensure as much continuity and predictability as possible for students and teachers.
See you all on campus in the coming semester.
As stated in the recent e-mail from the University director it is with joy that we note that all restriction at higher educations will come to an end as of February, 1st 2022. This mean that TEK will start the new semester as before Corona with all teaching, study start activities, counselling etc. physically on campus with no limitations. Social gatherings among students and staff is also possible again.
If there is substantial absence in a class or it for other reasons is sensible to stream physical teaching to those unable to be present, the teacher can choose to do so - but teaching may not be converted to online.
The Academic Study Board has previously at an extraordinary meeting decided, that reexams will, as a basic rule, be held in the same format as the ordinary exams, ie. mainly as online exams. This decision will be maintained to ensure as much continuity and predictability as possible for students and teachers.
See you all on campus in the coming semester.