New Maersk Building in use
If you have been at TEK in Odense lately you have probably meet a lot of movers.
Sunday, September 10th we finally started moving in to the new Maersk building (building 47). The building is placed between the old Maersk building, building 44 and the TEK building. The new building has 4 floors. On the op floor (1st floor) you will find the Software Section. On the same floor there are 3 meeting rooms for everyone to use and a staff kitchen. The meeting rooms are named Meyer, Ørsted and Johnson and has room for 8, 8 and 16 people. I the big meeting room it will be possible to host online meeting however the equipment is not yet available and most likely will not be available until week 40. On the floor below you will find the sections Health Informatics and Technology and Applied AI and Data Science. This floor is connected to building 44 with by a bridge. On the parterre floor you will find the drone section. All these three floors has project rooms available for the students. In the basement is DreamLab. DreamLab has a big workspace in the center, a work shop, 2 labs and 5 rooms allocated for different purposes. The new building is definitely worth a visit please feel free to take a tour around.
On Monday, September 18th we started yet another move. TEK Finance moved from the west side of the TEK building to the north side making room for an expansion of the robotics section. TEK Education including TUS are now all together on the 1st floor of the TEK building next to SDU IT (close to the bridge to building 44). IME has also moved closer together as the section Digital and High-Frequency Electronics are now located on the 1st floor of building 44 close the Electrical Engineering section.
We have said goodbye to pavilion 4 (behind the old Maersk building) which has been removed so the outside areas can be completed.