Staff News in the Faculty Administration
In the faculty administration, we have welcomed four new employees in February and March
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On February 1st, 2023, John-Nathan Ommestrup returned as a project economist in TEK Economy. John-Nathan will be responsible for project economics at the Mærsk McKinney Møller Institute.On February 20th, 2023, Nynne Ehrnberg also started as a project economist in TEK Economy. Nynne will be responsible for project economics for the Faculty Administration and at the Mærsk McKinney Møller Institute.
John-Nathan and Nynne were hired to replace Hanne Skjoldemose and Vivi Damgård, who have left TEK. However, they are not a 1-to-1 replacement, as tasks have been reshuffled.
On March 1st, 2023, Lea Lukas started in TEK Communication. Lea comes from a position as a consultant at the Danish embassy in Berlin. She has a BA in intercultural marketing communication from CBS, as well as a Cand.ling.merc from KU. Lea is a new bridge-building employee with a focus on the recruitment of international students, especially from Germany. She takes over Bolette Smidemann's position in Sønderborg, but with a new focus in the job profile.
On March 6th, Katharina Christiane Nielsen Jeschke started in TEK Innovation. Katharina comes from a position as a postdoc in SDU Global Sustainable Production. Katharina is based in Sønderborg, but will support all faculty researchers in her role as a funding advisor. Katharina has a focus on national and international collaboration projects.
On January 31st, 2023, TEK Innovation said goodbye to Lone Søvad Madsen. However, Lone is not leaving SDU as she has joined as an outreach partner in SDU RIO.
On February 28th, 2023, TEK Innovation also said goodbye to Julie Thygesen Rydahl, who has chosen to seek new challenges under Odense Robotics.
On February 28th, we also said goodbye to Mette Smølz Skau, who has chosen to seek new challenges. With her newly completed Cand.jur degree, she starts as a lawyer trainee at a tax law firm in Copenhagen on March 1st.