Staff news in the faculty administration
Staff changes in the faculty administration
TEK Communication
TEK KOM is excited to welcome 27-year-old Mie Karoline Jørgensen as new Content Creator per October 1st, 2022. Mie is an educated multimedia designer and has previously taught UCL's ambassadors how to use Instagram, created SoMe content for Bestseller, and has strong skills in video production. Mie, in collaboration with the colleagues at TEK KOM, will raise the quality and quantity of content for our social media, including TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook, with the aim of attracting a lot of new students to our programs and communicating the faculty's research in completely new ways. She will be part of the marketing team at TEK KOM with a permanent workplace in Odense.
TEK Innovation
On September 1st, 2022, Finn Skøtt Hansen has started a part-time position as a specialist consultant in TEK Innovation. Finn will work with the start-up of the Large Structure Production project. Finn comes from a position as a specialist consultant at SDU RIO and has been associated with TEK Innovation and the LSP project for several years.
TEK Innovation unfortunately has to say goodbye to Sebastian Mohr, who has chosen to seek new challenges. Sebastian will resign at the end of September.
TEK Education
Danny Colmorten has chosen to resign from his position as study secretary at TUS at the end of this month, as he has sought new challenges at SUND. We are happy that Kim Price, who currently is maternity substitute for Harisa Tuemand-Seferovic, has agreed to take over Dannys position. We know Kim as a skilled employee and are happy to be able to offer him a permanent position. We have managed to hire Mette Lind Johansen, who some know from TUS, to take care of the student secretarial duties until Harisa is back from maternity leave.
We look forward to working with new and old colleagues.