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The Purpose of the Education Committees

Each education committee comprises the Head of Programme, who is chairman of the committee, a number of researchers and teachers from the academic environments which are part of the study programme. Study programmes in which substantial parts of the programme are offered by other faculties than the Faculty of Engineering, those faculties will also be represented.

The education committee is rooted in the individual programme and acts as a counterpart to the Academic Study Board's meeting forum with the participation of elected / appointed members both among students and among the scientific staff, however, the committee does not have decision-making competence, but acts as a professional committee on the specific education with initiative, right of option and consultation.

The education committees serve as unifying academic forums for educational development for the study programmes. The committees are expected to take initiative in connection with activities to ensure that the offered study programme is continually developed to be on par with the development in the scientific field. Thus, the committees must, as required, develop and/or consider suggestions for new or changes to existing curricula, semester descriptions, course descriptions, etc., with a view to submitting these to the Academic Study Board.

The Education Committee ensures the education-specific implementation of SDU’s quality policy on behalf of the Engineering Studies' joint Study Board. The education committee must thus contribute to the preparation of the education report and discuss the follow-up at the education's status meeting, just as the education committee must continuously relate to other relevant inputs from study statistics and key figures, student-oriented studies and other elements such as customer panel meetings, education evaluations with external experts, censor reports etc. The work is organized according to the common annual cycle of engineering educations for the work with educational development and quality in the Education Committees (see here).

The education committees must also be available for the programme coordinator, the Academic Study Board and the director of studies to consider other education related cases which require a specific academic assessment.

Expected frequency of meetings is 2-4 meetings per academic year and can be supplemented by digital meetings / topic treatments.

Last Updated 26.02.2024