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Purchasing/Procurement at BMB

In general, the procurement policy must ensure that the University of Southern Denmark purchases goods, services and construction and engineering works based on the principle of “the best and the cheapest”, while also ensuring compliance with legislation on procurement. Employees may find that products covered by a procurement contract can be bought cheaper elsewhere, but they should bear in mind that there are a number of other costs to be added to the procurement price, such as the employee’s working time, increased administration of disbursements, setting up the supplier, and transport.

• At BMB all purchases must go through BMB-purchase (Birgit and Tina)

• When you need to order items for the lab you have to get access to the BMB ordering system (BMBbestilling) please ask to get access

• Due to the procurement regulations at SDU, the purchasing team at BMB must make as many purchases as possible with the given vendors at specific tenders. Therefore, we might change the order from the “original” vender to a Danish or European distributor. This is also to ensure all necessary documents are in place to get it across EU boarders.

• Here you can read more about the Procurement portal at SDU and the Procurement policy at The University of Southern Denmark SDU

• Larger purchases such as instruments must go into tender/procurement. Please contact to get the necessary help.

• If you need to purchase or get furniture please contact Marianne Due mdue@bmb.sdu

Last Updated 09.08.2023