The members of the advisory boards represent companies and organisations that employ graduates from the respective programmes. Together, the members have broad experience and insight into the various areas of education and employment.
The members are appointed on the basis of their personal qualifications, as well as their experience and knowledge of the relevant job market.
Advisory board for Physics
Hanne Hautop
Principal at Rosborg Gymnasium & HF, Vejle
Mikkel Agerbæk
Direktør, Materialer og Produktion,
Teknologisk Institut, Taastrup
Uffe Bernchou
OUH, Research unit of Oncology
Morten Gjetting Stage
Bjarke Jørgensen
Head of Research
NEWTEC Engineering A/S
Kurt René Eriksen
Principal at Nordfyns Gymnasium, Søndersø
Advisory board for Chemistry
Michael Brorson
Senior Research Scientist
Haldor Topsøe A/S
Jesper Lau
Vice president
Novo Nordisk, Måløv
Ib Winckelmann
Project Manager, Global R&D
FMC Agricultural Solutions, Hørsholm
Ulla Haue-Pedersen
Mulernes Legatskole
Brian Rene Nielsen
Novo Nordisk Kalundborg
Thomas Kofoed
Lina Johanne Nåbo Andersen
Senior Manager Research
Nature Energy, Odense
Lars Høg Mittag
Novo Nordisk, Kalundborg/Odense