Student Collaboration Day Sønderborg
Student Collaboration DayMeet 50 companies open to collaborate with students. Participating companies and organisations will bring specific ads/open positions, so you have a good chance to land an agreement or enhance your network and knowledge about the specific collaboration and job opportunities. You can get a brief CV check and applications advice from SDU RIO – AND have your professional Photo taken.No registration is needed for students: Prepare - show up – get a study sticker – "visit” as many companies as possible.Student Collaboration Day Sønderborg is held twice a year, typically in April/May and October/November. It is free, and there are approximately 50 slots available for companies per event.Sign up for the next event on the 12th of November 2024:
Student Collaboration Day
Meet 50 companies open to collaborate with students. Participating companies and organisations will bring specific ads/open positions, so you have a good chance to land an agreement or enhance your network and knowledge about the specific collaboration and job opportunities. You can get a brief CV check and applications advice from SDU RIO – AND have your professional Photo taken. No registration is needed for students: Prepare - show up – get a study sticker – "visit” as many companies as possible.
QM Research Seminar: Calabi-Yau threefold flops as quiver varieties from monopole deformations
Speaker: Marina Moleti Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) Abstract:We present a new algorithm to extract the quiver and superpotential of a broad class of threefolds that fall under simple threefold flops. These geometries are generally non-toric and can be viewed as monodromic fibrations over a complex plane of deformed ADE singularities. We illustrate how the quantum field theory of a D2 brane probing these spaces captures their non-commutative resolution (NCCR).
DIAS event: Fabrizio Montesi - 'Programming languages for a better world'
If you could change the language(s) that people use, what would you do?
Climate Thursdays 2024 – Barriers, drivers and implications: Politics
At the webinar, you can hear lectures from Kristian Jensen and Bertel Maigaard.
SDU Climate Cluster - Climate Thursdays - Barriers, drivers and implications: Politics
SDU Climate Cluster invites you to join Climate Thursdays - a series of online lectures – free of chargeClimate Thursdays are held in collaboration with leading researchers from the University of Southern Denmark and several other Danish and international universities, experts from the Danish Council on Climate Change, the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland as well as companies, think tanks, institutions and organisations.This high profile symposia series focus on the state of our climate and on the technical, behavioural, financial and political solutions and actions taken to meet the current climate challenges.Climate Thursdays kicks off on 5 September 2024 and continue the following Thursdays until mid-November.
Democracy and the Nordic Model
Seminar on Democracy and the Nordic Model at the University of Copenhagen, 14-15 November 2024.
Workshop on Representation in/of AI with Fabian Offert
The Center for Culture and Technology, University of Southern Denmark and the research cluster “The Aesthetics of Biomachines and the Question of Life” (The Velux Foundations) invite you to join this exciting talk!This Is Your Brain on ImageNet": Embedding and Visual Epistemology – Fabian Offert (UCSB)"Embedding" is one of the most important techniques in the machine learning toolbox. Polemically, in natural language processing and computer vision, any useful knowledge is embedded knowledge. While the technique itself is hardly more than an advanced form of compression, it is the universality of embeddings that renders them interesting from an epistemological perspective: universal faculties – such as "seeing" in the case of computer vision, which I will focus on in this talk – are extrapolated from particular datasets and represented in an exclusively relational manner. Exactly because of their universality, embeddings live on, sometimes way beyond the lifespan of the datasets that they represent. "Historical" deep convolutional neural network features, for instance, still inform the training of newer generative models by ways of perceptual distance metrics that determine the realism of generated images. By becoming just another part of the training pipeline, however, they cease to appear as distinctive epistemic structures. More importantly, this "historical opacity" of embeddings obfuscates what I propose to understand as a major epistemic shift: scientific knowledge, at least if it relates to the visual, is often generated with the help of cultural data. Embeddings, then, can be seen as a cultural technique, and as a trading zone that spans, surprisingly, not only branches of the natural sciences, but the sciences and the humanities.Fabian Offert is Assistant Professor for the History and Theory of the Digital Humanities at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and principal investigator of the international research project "AI Forensics", funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. His research and teaching focuses on the question how machine learning models represent culture and what is at stake – aesthetically and politically – when they do. His current book project investigates "Machine Visual Culture" in the age of foundation models. linkRegistration is not necessary.Please contact: [email][/email] for additional info.
Science Facts/Fictions (SFF): Science Fiction, Robotics Engineering and Policy
SFF invites discussion on the interchange between AI, robot science, and science fiction. The event takes place at the DIAS Seminar Room.
Science Facts/Fictions (SFF): Science Fiction, Robotics Engineering and Policy
SFF invites discussion on the interchange between AI, robot science, and science fiction. The event takes place at the DIAS Seminar Room.
QTC Journal Club: TBA
Speaker: Antonio Rago, Associate ProfessorAbstract: TBALocation: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.
IMADA Talks!
Want to know what is going on behind the scenes at IMADA?Come and join us for 2 x 20 min. inspiring talks while you enjoy a free “casual after-work” beer with your fellow student, colleague or teacher.Speakers will be Associate Professor Jing Qin (»AcuteX: Impact of extreme climate events for acute hospital services in Denmark«) and Communication Officer Ursula Lundgreen Svane (»Communicating on LinkedIn in 2024«).
Workshop: Become an efficient academic writer with AI apps
As part of the faculty's AI project, researchers at the Faculty of Humanities are invited to participate in this workshop on the use of AI in academic writing. The workshop will be conducted in English.
Workshop: Become an efficient academic writer with AI apps
As part of the faculty's AI project, researchers at the Faculty of Humanities are invited to participate in this workshop on the use of AI in academic writing. The workshop will be conducted in English.
Master Class: The History of Experiences
We are fortunate to have Professor Pirjo Markkola from Tampere University visiting the Nordic Humanities Center at SDU in November 2024. Professor Markkola is the co-founder and leader of the Finnish Centre of Excellence in History of Experiences (HE
QM Research Seminar: TBA
Speaker: Apoorv Tiwari (University of Southern Denmark) Abstract:TBA
DIAS event: Center for Subjectivity Research 2002-2024
Center for Subjectivity Research at the University of Copenhagen was established in 2002 on the basis of a grant from the Danish National Research Foundation (Danmarks Grundforskningsfond). Its three founders were a philosopher, a psychiatrist, and a professor of systematic theology. Since then, it has had more than 80 employees, attracted more than 250 guest researchers, and secured external funding in excess of 140.000.000 DKK. Currently, its staff involves people with a background in philosophy, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, and criminology. In my talk, I will outline the history of the center, present some of its distinctive features, and discuss how it over the years has facilitated interdisciplinary collaboration.About Dan ZahaviDan Zahavi is Professor of Philosophy and director of the Center for Subjectivity Research at the University of Copenhagen. Zahavi’s primary research area is phenomenology and philosophy of mind, and their intersection with empirical disciplines such as psychiatry, psychology, and anthropology. In addition to various scholarly works on the phenomenology of Husserl, Zahavi has mainly written on the nature of selfhood, self-consciousness, intersubjectivity, empathy, and most recently on topics in social ontology. His most important publications include Self-awareness and Alterity (1999/2020), Husserl’s Phenomenology (2003), Subjectivity and Selfhood (2005), The Phenomenological Mind (together with Shaun Gallagher) (2008/2012/2021), Self and Other (2014), Husserl’s Legacy (2017), Phenomenology: The Basics (2019), and Being We (forthcoming in 2025). His work has been translated into more than 30 languages.
Få indblik i din introverte side
Hver dag går arbejdspladser glip af vigtige pointer fra introverte medarbejdere, der ikke bliver hørt – enten fordi de holder sig tilbage, eller fordi det ikke er nemt at få taletid.Mange introverte kan føle sig udfordrede af et ekstrovert samfundsideal, hvor netværk, hurtige beslutninger og gennemslagskraft er en stor del af arbejdslivet. Det stilfærdige, gennemtænkte og velformulerede kan ofte blive overset.Foredraget klæder de introverte på til at komme på banen på deres egne præmisser. Du får også gode råd til at komme godt ind i fællesskabet fra begyndelsen, når du starter på en ny arbejdsplads og at vedligeholde de gode relationer.Helt konkret går vi i dybden med:• Hvad det vil sige at være introvert og ekstrovert – og hvordan det ser ud i praksis• Hvilke styrker og udfordringer er der ved de to personlighedstræk• Hvordan bruger vi de styrker til vores fordel• Hvordan kan du som introvert blive hørt• Hvordan kan du som introvert præsentere dine karaktertræk som styrker• Hvordan kan du komme godt ind i fællesskabet på en ny arbejdsplads
Energinet fortæller: Sådan skaber du et bæredygtigt arbejdsliv
Har du også overvejet, hvordan du får en god start på arbejdslivet efter studierne? Så kom til dette arrangement, hvor du kan møde Energinet og få en masse spændende indsigter, du allerede nu kan bruge for at skabe et bæredygtigt arbejdsliv for dig selv! Energinet HR vil bl.a. fortælle, hvordan de sikrer, at deres medarbejdere har gode og balancerede arbejds- og privatliv. Derudover vil du også få værdifulde råd til din jobsøgning som snart nyuddannet, ligesom der bliver delt personlige erfaringer med overgangen fra studieliv til arbejdsliv. Det er en unik chance for at få indsigt direkte fra arbejdsgiverne selv og møde nogen, der for nylig har stået i samme situation som dig. Til dette arrangement får du bl.a.: [list][*]Indsigt i hvordan Energinets HR-afdeling arbejder med at sikre at deres medarbejdere har gode, hele (arbejds)liv [/list][list][*]Oplæg fra to nyuddannede om både overgangen fra studieliv til arbejdsliv, samt hvordan det er at være nyuddannet og i job [/list][list][*]Fem gåde råd fra Energinet HR om at være førstegangs-jobsøgende [/list][list][*]Mulighed for netværk og evt. sparring på ansøgningsmateriale [/list][list][*]Mulighed for at høre mere om Energinets graduate-programmer [/list] Arrangementet foregår i lokale U152.
Tivoli indefra – Dyk ned i projektledelse, BTB Sales og gæsteoplevelsen
Er du studerende og drømmer om en karriere indenfor projektledelse, BTB salg, leisure management mv, så kom bag kulisserne og oplev Tivoli indefra! Lær mere om Tivolis 181 års historie, og om hvordan Tivoli har udviklet sig igennem tiden. Vi skal på historisk rundtur i Tivoli, og et smut bag kulisserne. Sammen dykker vi ned i Tivolis forretningsmodel, medarbejdere og gæster i Haven
Pizzameeting at Data Science in Kolding
🎓 Are you ready for the spring elective courses? Join us at the Pizza Meeting at IMADA and get all the details!🍕 FREE PIZZA AND SOFT DRINKS! 🥤No need to register, but if you want a pizza and refreshments, sign up at: deadline for pizza is Monday 11 November 2024.
Pizzameeting at Data Science in Kolding
🎓 Are you ready for the spring elective courses? Join us at the Pizza Meeting at IMADA and get all the details!🍕 FREE PIZZA AND SOFT DRINKS! 🥤No need to register, but if you want a pizza and refreshments, sign up at: deadline for pizza is Monday 11 November 2024.
SDU Climate Cluster - Climate Thursdays - Panel debat
SDU Climate Cluster invites you to join Climate Thursdays - a series of online lectures – free of chargeClimate Thursdays are held in collaboration with leading researchers from the University of Southern Denmark and several other Danish and international universities, experts from the Danish Council on Climate Change, the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland as well as companies, think tanks, institutions and organisations.This high profile symposia series focus on the state of our climate and on the technical, behavioural, financial and political solutions and actions taken to meet the current climate challenges.Climate Thursdays kicks off on 5 September 2024 and continue the following Thursdays until mid-November.
Reading group on the 1990s
Nordic Humanities Center, Neoliberalism in the Nordics, and Norden since the End of History invite researchers and students at UCPH Humanities and other interested parties to join our reading group on the 1990s.
Meeting of the Teaching Coordination Group for the teaching committees at IMADA
Meeting notice with time and agenda will be sent by email.
QTC Journal Club: TBA
Speaker: Benjamin Jäger, Associate ProfessorAbstract: TBALocation: The DIAS Meetingroom Syd (V22-503a-2)You can also join via Zoom (passcode: 060379).The event is open to all.
PhD defence @IMADA: Valentino Picotti
Valentino Picotti defends his PhD thesis: Language Support for Microservices Development.Professor Jacopo Mauro will act as chairman at the defence.
QM Research Seminar: A universal characterization of uncurving
Speaker: Guillaume Laplante-Anfossi (University of Southern Denmark) Abstract:Given a curved A-infinity algebra and a bounding cochain (a.k.a Maurer—Cartan element), one can twist the former by the latter to get a new A-infinity algebra where the curvature is zero. This uncurving procedure plays a central rôle in Floer theory, where Fukaya categories are naturally curved objects. The goal of this talk will be to give a universal characterization of the procedure, using the theory of operads: we will show that the operad cMC, whose algebras are curved A-infinity algebras endowed with a Maurer—Cartan element, together with its natural morphism to the A-infinity operad, is terminal in a certain comma category. This category does not contain the Maurer—Cartan equation, thus the theorem provides a way to « rediscover » it as the answer to a universal (algebraic) problem. This is joint work with Adrian Petr and Vivek Shende.
QM Research Seminar: TBA
Speaker: Christoph Nega (Technical University of Munich)Abstract:TBA
Workshop: Become an efficient academic writer with AI apps
As part of the faculty's AI project, researchers at the Faculty of Humanities are invited to participate in this workshop on the use of AI in academic writing. The workshop will be conducted in English
Workshop: Become an efficient academic writer with AI apps
As part of the faculty's AI project, researchers at the Faculty of Humanities are invited to participate in this workshop on the use of AI in academic writing. The workshop will be conducted in English
Flygtningemodtagelse i Danmark gennem 100 år
Nordic Humanities Center og DaWS-history inviterer til seminar om Danmarks modtagelse af flygtninge gennem 100 år
The Future of Archives in the Digital Age
The digital revolution has transformed the way we create, preserve, and access information, reshaping the role of archives in society.This talk explores the potential future of archives in the digital age, using one of the oldest philosophical archives and research institutes for philosophy in Germany – the Husserl Archives Cologne – as an example. Drawing on insights from phenomenology and digital humanities, it examines how digitalization challenges traditional notions of permanence, authenticity, and ownership. How do virtual repositories affect the human experience of accessibility and historical continuity? What implications does this have for cultural memory? About Thiemo BreyerThiemo Breyer is Professor of Phenomenology and Anthropology at the University of Cologne, where he also serves as Director of the Husserl Archives. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Freiburg and an M.Phil. in Social Anthropology from the University of Cambridge. He was visiting professor in Kyoto, Mainz, Milano, and Montreal, and research fellow at Harvard University. His research interests within the broader field of consciousness studies include affectivity, attention, embodiment, empathy, and memory. Venue: DIAS Auditorium Address: Fioniavej 34, 5230 OdenseOpen for all
Et arbejdsliv med ADHD – forsiden og bagsiden af medaljen!
Vi dykker ned i to inspirerende fortællinger, der belyser, hvordan livet med ADHD kan forme arbejdslivet på både godt og ondt.Gennem personlige oplevelser viser vi, at det er muligt at leve et rigt og velfungerende liv med diagnosen – selvom der også er udfordringer.Fortællingerne giver indsigt og inspiration, både til personer med ADHD og til deres pårørende og kolleger.Vi ønsker at fremme en bredere forståelse for ADHD’s styrker og udfordringer på arbejdspladsen og at bidrage til mere inkluderende og støttende rammer for alle.Program:-Hvad er ADHD?-Præsentation af dagens oplægsholdere-To personlige beretninger om et liv med ADHD-Fælles dialog med mulighed for spørgsmål
IMADA Departmental Council
Read more about the Department Council:
Bogdebat: Vejen til velstand: Kapitalismen og det moderne Danmark
Debatarrangement om Per Boje og Jeppe Nevers’ nye bog "Vejen til velstand: Kapitalismen og det moderne Danmark" (Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2024).
TEK Christmas party
Get ready for a festive night out! Join us for the TEK Christmas party on November 29th in Odense. Enjoy a pre-party, delicious dinner, dancing, and good company. Don't miss out on this fun-filled event!
TEK Christmas party
Get ready for a festive night out! Join us for the TEK Christmas party on November 29th in Odense. Enjoy a pre-party, delicious dinner, dancing, and good company. Don't miss out on this fun-filled event!
Find det rigtige studiejob eller praktikforløb med SDU's jobbank
Find det rigtige studiejob eller praktikforløb med SDU's jobbank Er du på jagt efter et spændende studiejob, en relevant praktik*, eller en organisation, du kan inddrage i dit speciale eller en anden opgave? Eller er du måske bare lidt nysgerrig på, hvad der er af spændende job- og samarbejdsmuligheder for dig som studerende? Så er det her webinar lige noget for dig! I løbet af 45 minutter får du … [list][*]Introduktion til hvordan du bruger SDU’s jobbank bedst muligt, herunder gennemgang af jobbankens funktioner samt opsætning af profil og jobagent [/list][list][*]Tips til hvad du kan gøre, hvis du ikke liiige finder det, du er på jagt efter i jobbanken [/list][list][*]Hacks til at ansøgning og CV, herunder anbefaling af programmer [/list]*Her dækker ”praktik” både over ”Projektorienteret forløb” og ”Virksomhedsprojekt”. Forberedelse [list][*]Log ind på SDU’s jobbank på med dit studenterlogin. [/list] Lidt praktisk info [list][*]Uanset hvilket studie og semester, du går på, er du velkommen. [/list][list][*]Du kan logge på webinaret fra kl. 14:00, men oplægget går først i gang kl. 14:15. [/list][list][*]Webinaret bliver ikke optaget. [/list]
Take your LinkedIn Presence to the Next Level when Networking and searching for Jobs
By the end of this webinar, you know more about:-How to find relevant content and people – to explore and expand your network-A few hacks on how to make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and easy to find-Dos and don’ts on LinkedIn in a Danish context - including informal job searchWe will answer as many of your questions as possible during the webinar, mixed in with examples, quick guides and plenty of time for Q&A.
DIAS Event: 'The Fertility Drop Puzzle' by Gøsta Esping-Andersen
Why is there a sudden and sharp drop in births occurring in so many countries in the 2010-20 decade?
QM Research Seminar: On the Euler characteristic of the commutative graph complex
Speaker: Michael Borinsky The Institute for Theoretical Studies (ETH-ITS), Zürich Abstract:I will present new results on the asymptotic growth rate of the Euler characteristic of Kontsevich's commutative graph complex. These results imply the same asymptotic growth rate for the top-weight Euler characteristic of M_g, the moduli space of curves, due to a recent work by Chan, Galatius and Payne. Further, they establish the existence of large amounts of unexplained cohomology in this graph complex. I will explain the role of this graph complex from the perspective of M_g's cohomology.
Workshop: AI in research funding applications
As part of the faculty's AI project, researchers at the Faculty of Humanities are invited to participate in this workshop on the use of AI in research funding applications. The workshop will be conducted in English
Workshop: AI in research funding applications
As part of the faculty's AI project, researchers at the Faculty of Humanities are invited to participate in this workshop on the use of AI in research funding applications. The workshop will be conducted in English
Er du klar til at udforske graduateforløb hos Carlsberg, Energinet, Atea, Nykredit og Bravida
Mød Carlsberg, Energinet, Atea, Nykredit og Bravida – virksomheder, der tilbyder graduate- programmer, der giver dig mulighed for at arbejde på tværs af afdelinger og udvikle dig gennem praktisk erfaring.Få et skarpt overblik over de forskellige programmer, og hvordan de kan forme din karriere. Lær, hvilke konkrete karrieremuligheder, der venter efter et succesfuldt forløb.Program:- Velkomst ved Akademikernes A-kasse- Oplæg om virksomhedernes graduate-forløb- Spørgerunde- Afrunding
Livet i velfærdsstaten: Humanistiske perspektiver på samfundsmæssige udfordringer
Nordic Humanities Center afholder konference om den nordiske velfærdsmodel. Centerets forskere deler deres viden og politikere som Rosa Lund (Ø), Magnus Barsøe (S) Isabella Arendt (K), Susanne Crawley Larsen (B) diskuterer udfordringer og muligheder
QM Research Seminar: TBA
Speaker: Meer Ashwinkumar University of Bern Abstract:TBA
Karriere i det private
Mød fire forskellige arbejdsgivere fra det private arbejdsmarked, og få insiderviden om, hvad det vil sige at arbejde i en privat virksomhed eller organisation – og tips til, hvordan du kan komme i spil, hvis du vil søge et job.Du får fx indblik i:[list][*]hvad der gør dig attraktiv for en arbejdsgiver i den private sektor[*]eksempler på arbejdsområder[*]hvilke krav og forventninger, der kan være til en karriere i det private[*]hvordan en rekruttering typisk forløber.[/list]
IMADA Teaching Committee meeting
Read more about the Teaching Committee:
Workshop: AI in research funding applications
As part of the faculty's AI project, researchers at the Faculty of Humanities are invited to participate in this workshop on the use of AI in research funding applications. The workshop will be conducted in English.
Workshop: AI in research funding applications
As part of the faculty's AI project, researchers at the Faculty of Humanities are invited to participate in this workshop on the use of AI in research funding applications. The workshop will be conducted in English.
FKF department seminar: Professor Anne S. Meyer
Section for Protein Chemistry and Enzyme Technology, DTU
IMADA Departmental Forum
All staff at IMADA are invited to the Departmental Fora.Meeting notice and agenda will be sent by email.
IMADA Teaching Committee meeting
Read more about the Teaching Committee:
Gordon Research Conference - Polar Marine Science - Sea Ice as a Nexus in Polar Seas Between the Ocean and the Atmosphere
The Polar Marine Science GRC is a premier, international scientific conference focused on advancing the frontiers of science through the presentation of cutting-edge and unpublished research, prioritizing time for discussion after each talk and fostering informal interactions among scientists of all career stages. The conference program includes a diverse range of speakers and discussion leaders from institutions and organizations worldwide, concentrating on the latest developments in the field. The conference is five days long and held in a remote location to increase the sense of camaraderie and create scientific communities, with lasting collaborations and friendships. In addition to premier talks, the conference has designated time for poster sessions from individuals of all career stages, and afternoon free time and communal meals allow for informal networking opportunities with leaders in the field.Sea ice plays a keystone role in polar oceans and atmospheres, particularly in their coupling. Serving as a transmission belt for the transfer of motion from the atmosphere to the ocean, it modulates the exchange of energy, gases, and moisture. It plays a role in the emission of marine aerosols and controls the transfer of various atmospheric depositions to the ocean. Sea ice also constitutes a distinct ecosystem for a wide range of organisms, from microbes to mammals. The presence of sea ice, for several months or even year-round, shapes the dynamics of the surface ocean over time and space, influencing its biogeochemistry and the epipelagic, mesopelagic, and even benthic ecosystems. The positive and negative feedbacks sea ice promotes have the potential to accelerate or slow down climate change and its consequences. During this fourteenth edition of the GRC on Marine Polar Science, we will examine sea ice from every angle and explore the limits of our most fundamental knowledge about this habitat, which is a key player on Earth and has been omnipresent at times in the past, and which fully covers some moons in our solar system. We will focus particularly on i) how sea ice shapes the distinct identity of polar oceans and atmospheres in terms of physics, biogeochemistry, and ecosystems; ii) the physical and chemical characteristics at micro- to decameter scale that make sea ice a unique ecosystem; iii) the biodiversity sea ice supports within itself and in the ocean; iv) the evolutionary mechanisms sea ice can promote; and v) what it tells us about the potential for life on the icy moons of the solar system. All these topics will be addressed while considering the current and future consequences of climate change. Finally, we will discuss the role that sea ice plays in certain human civilizations. Twenty eight years after the very first conference of this series chaired by Stephen F. Ackley on Sea Ice Ecology, we revisit this crucial element of polar seas, enriched by three decades of discoveries. Following the tradition of the conferences in this series, we will also address the ocean and atmosphere, and delve into physics, chemistry, and biology, all while systematically emphasizing the connections with sea ice. The comparison between the Arctic and the Antarctic will allow us to discern, from these two very different oceans, how the presence of sea ice changes their faces, possibly in similar ways.
Fourth and final Arctic Academy for Sustainability (PhD course)
The fourth and final Arctic Academy for Sustainability funded by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation will take place as a PhD course.The topic of the final Academy is 'The role of stakeholders as a regulatory force for sustainable natural resource usage'. 'Stakeholders' is understood broadly, and the course will have particular regard to affected stakeholders and rights-holders. The course is taught by a diverse group of senior and junior members of the TN. Please note that for this Academy, the application format is a little different from the earlier ones, as applicants will need to provide their motivated application as well as the application for mobility support in the application module online (through the link above) and not in letters sent directly to the organisers.
UArctic Assembly 2025
The UArctic Assembly will be held in INARI, Finland and hosted by The Sámi Education Institute. Stay tuned for updates.
UArctic Assembly 2025
The UArctic Assembly 2025 will be held in Inari, Finland. The Assembly will be hosted by Sámi Education Institute. Stay tuned for updates.