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Business Cards

Procedure for ordering Business Cards
Business cards can be ordered from Graphic Center´s die-cut/online catalog in TrueTrade and are for both students and staff at SDU.

Download Guide.

Staff can only pay with an SDU-account.

Before ordering, please ensure that you have an approval from your research group leader, the project holder or Professor & Head of Department Dannie Kjeldgaard if necessary. Please forward documentation of the purchase and approval to DBM-Economy Mailbox

On their website you can read more about logos, delivery etc.

You can also call them or visit them on campus, see more under Contact on their website.

Ordering Business Cards
If you would like to order, you can visit the Graphic Centers website.

  • Click on the webshop, the green box to the right.
  • Click on “Log in”.
  • Click on “Visitkort”.
  • Find or design your Business cards with all the correct information and see the price.
  • When ready press “Læg i indkøbskurv” and fill out all the payment info.
  • At “Omkostningssted” write:
    • 52700 for DBM
    • 52702 for CCC
    • 52703 for CI2M
    • 52704 for IBE
    • 52705 for SOD
    • 52706 for MAP
    • 52707 for ACCT
    • 52708 for FIN
    • 52709 for PACA

    and click where is says “Kontostreng”. Then you will get a popup window and fill it out like below.

Fill out for analyse number, don´t leave anything blank
Underkonto 10
Artskonto 227031
Omk. sted 1 - see the list above
Formål 00
Projekt 0000000
Finansieringskilde 00
Analyse ????? (if you don´t know, please ask your group leader, group coordinator, the project holder or the financial team).
Omk. sted 2 000

Fill out for project number don´t leave anything blank
Underkonto 90 or 95 (look what is writing at the project number)
Artskonto 227031
Omk. sted 1 - see the list above
Formål 00
Projekt ????? (if you don´t know, please ask your group leader, group coordinator, the project holder or the financial team).
Analyse 01400
Omk. sted 2 000

  • When everything is filled out, then click on “Bekræft handelsbetingelserne og send ordre” and now the order is placed.
  • Then you will receive an email from Graphic Centers saying “Bestilling hos Print&Sign” and that email you will forward to the financial team. See below how.

After ordering Business Cards
DBM will receive an note about the purchase from Graphic Centers. You will receive an email from Graphic Centers saying “Bestilling hos Print&Sign” and that email you will forward to the financial team containing answers to the questions below.

  • Please inform about the purchase (more detailed than just ordering at Graphic Center or similar).
  • Please provide an approval from your research group leader, the project holder or Professor & Head of Department Dannie Kjeldgaard if necessary (all in PDF form).
    Please state which analyse number or project number will be paying (if you don´t know, please ask your group leader, the project holder or the financial team).

Link to Graphic Center on SDUnet here.

If you have any queries, please contact the financial team for more information or help.

Last Updated 31.05.2024