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Norm system

The norm system ensures transparency in relation to teaching load and administrative tasks.

The norms for teaching, supervision, exams and administrative tasks are set in the norm catalogues.  


Norm rate catalogue - Autumn 2022


Norm rate catalogue for Department of Business & Management

August, 2022


Guiding principles

The purpose of the norm/workload system is to serve as a tool for management to be able to secure reasonable distribution of workload as well as to serve as a basis for the allocation of resources across groups of employees. Given that the work of scientific staff to a wide extent is self-organized and often based on professional devotion, the system is meant to serve as a tool for the individual scholar as an indicator for workload over time and hence serve to enable the individual to be in dialogue with management about tasks.

The DBM system should be as fair and as simple as possible. There are many tasks that are part of the day-to-day business of the department and some in ad hoc form. Many such tasks are a natural part of the life of being an academic. Then there are tasks, which are continuous and frequent. Such tasks have been formalized with an assigned indication of expected workload in the workload system.

DBM strives to nurture talent, and academia is becoming ever more competitive. Therefore, the workload for junior faculty in terms of teaching and admin is reduced compared to senior staff. Additionally, assistant professors will be allowed to reduce their teaching and administration workload with a total of 300 work hours. The 300 WH are allocated after finalization of the Lecturer Training Programme.

In order to secure continuous professional and academic development as well as to have a wellfunctioning department, research scholars have 80 hours for professional and academic development per annum. For assistant professors this is primarily assigned for pedagogical training. For full time teachers this is 250 hours per annum. These hours will also cover minor ad hoc tasks for the department.

The workload of PhD students and research assistants is not covered by the norm catalogue.

Workload overview per year



Teaching norm hours


The faculty has decided a common model for calculating teaching workload:

(Number of ECTS * Work hours per ECTS) + (Number of students * Work hours per student)


I.  Calculation rates for teaching norm (WH=work hours)

The following model is applied across all courses on all programmes:

1 semester courses: ECTS * 20 + No of students * 1.00
2 semester courses: ECTS * 20 + No of students * 1.25

II.  Teaching at PhD courses

Ph.d. teaching at SDU pr. lecture: 5 hours

III.  Tasks covered by the norm rate1


• Course preparation and teaching

• Yearly updates and general adaptations of the course description (e.g. changed examination form) • Examination and re-examinations (including preparing exam questions)

• Interactions with students (emailing, feedback, etc)

• Lecturer-taught exercises

• Handeling of complaints and plagiarism


Not included:

• New course development/significant overhauls (e.g. shift from lectures to videos + workshops)

• Course responsibility cross-campus courses on HA (“HA Fællesfag”)


IV.  Allocation rules

Which number of students serves as basis for the norm calculation?

The official number of students registered for a course serves as basis for the norm calculation. This number is set approximately 1 month after study start in order to take study drop-outs and students’ registration for electives into consideration.  


Tasks and responsibilities of lecturers and course responsibles for HA cross-campus courses are defined in the memorandum: “Opgaver og ansvarsområder for fagansvarlige og undervisere”, Den Erhvervsøkonomiske Forum, December 2019 



How to split up the norm hours when a course is taught by multiple lecturers?


Co-teaching and co-examining

Lecturers in teaching teams are given the relative percentage of the total amount of norm hours for the course corresponding to the percentage of classes taught and examined by each lecturer. 




•  80/20 co-teaching and co-examining

Lecturer 1 teachs and examines 80 %

(20 * ECTS + 1,0 * no of students) * 80%


Lecturer 2 teachs and examines 20%

(20 ECTS + 1,0 * no of students) * 20%


•  80/20 co-teaching and one lecturer examining

Lecturer 1 teachs 20 % of lectures

(20 * ECTS + 0,25 * no of students) * 20%

Lecturer 2 teachs 80% of lectures and grades all exams

(20 * ECTS + 1,0 * no of students) - (20 * ECTS + 0,25 * no
of students) * 20%

Co-examiners (“intern censor”)

Oral examination (individual): 0,5 WH/student

Oral examination (group): 1 WH/group

Written examinations (15 pages or less): 0,5 WH/assignment

Written examinations (16 pages or more): 1 WH/assignment



Supervision norm hours


Norm rates for supervision are fixed at faculty level


The number of norm hours attributed per assignment is calculated in the following way:


Number of ECTS (supervision activity) x Supervision rate

Supervision rates:

Projects with 1 student = 0,50 WH/ECTS

Projects with 2 students = 0,75 WH/ECTS

Projects with 3+ students = 0,90 WH/ECTS


For projects at the Faculty of Engineering, the norm is calculated based on the number of ECTS attributed to DBM; multiplied by the number of students. 


Number of ects



Number of ects


The supervision norm applies even when the project is not submitted.


Individual study activity:


Individual study activity will be calculated in the basis of the faculty’s standard norm for supervision, please see above. 



Administrative norm

All norms are calculated on an annual basis


administrative normsadministrative norms



Last Updated 04.04.2023