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Create a reimbursement

To create a new reimbursement, please make sure to choose the correct category. Choose between this two: Travel reimbursement/settlement or Expenses reimbursement/single purchase/ prepayments.

Expenses reimbursement/single purchase/prepayments you use before your trip or for other expenses.

  • If you have a cost, that you wish to get reimbursed before you travel e.g. conference fee etc.
  • If you have a cost not associated with a trip e.g. books, expenses for a meeting that you have covered yourself etc.
  • If you have a cost, you have forgotten after you made your travel reimbursement.


Travel reimbursement/settlement you use after your trip.

If you have costs regarding a travel, either reimbursement or allowances both in Denmark or abroad.

If you don’t have all the appropriate documentation, you can start up a zExpense reimbursement and then finish and submit it, once you have all the appropriate documentation. Just remember to save it.

See below which information is needed:

  • Occasion.
    • Headline of the purchased og trip. It could be “Conference name”, “Keynote speech at SDU Kolding”, “Dinner on restaurant name”, “Teaching in Odense”, “Fee for conference xxx” or similar.
  • Destination. 
    • Could be “Copenhagen, Denmark”, “Paris, France”, SDU Slagelse, Denmark or similar.
  • Discretion.
    • Purpose will have to be a description of this specific cost e.g. “travel to xxx to attend a conference with a paper”, “upstart meeting in Copenhagen with project partners on project xxx”, “dinner with xxx to discuss further cooperation on xxx after research presentation in xxx group seminar” “book for teaching in xxx course” “teaching course xxx in Slagelse” etc. Stating just “meeting”, “teaching” etc. is unfortunately not enough.
  • Date and time.
    • Please write correct dates for the entered travel period and correct times from leaving home/SDU to coming back home/SDU.
  • Dimensions.
    • (how it is going to be paid)
  • Underkonto.
    • Ordinary 10/project 90 or 95.
  • Omk 1
    • 527.
  • Formål.
    • 00.
  • Projekt.
    • Ordinary 00000/Project then project number.
  • Analyse.
    • DBM have different account for ordinary, so please put in the correct 5 numbers.
  • Omk 2.
    • 000.
  • Attachments.
    • All attachments not directly referring to an expense are best placed here (Agendas, programs, invitations, mail correspondence, approvals etc.). Using the blue button to browse your PC for the document, and the green button to upload it.
      Also see page 10.
  • Click save.
    • Please remember or you will lose your data.
      Expenses. Here you must pull in the expenses you have already made to this reimbursement.
  • Mileage.
    • Here you must pull in the mileage you have already made to this reimbursement. Allowances. Here you must pull in the allowances you have already made to this reimbursement.
  • History.
    • Here you can always follow your reimbursement.
  • Comments.
    • If you have something very important to the reimbursement. Could be “I only have transport one way because I drove with a college home”, “Full name and organization on all the people at the dinner”, I don´t want allowances”, I had a conference hotel”, “catering on SDU” or similar.


If you have any queries, please contact the financial team for more information or help.

Last Updated 31.05.2024