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Guest lecturers and Seminars

Guest lectures

As a rule, you can have 1 guest lecture (1 double lesson) per course per semester. Read more about it below.

See the guest lecturer fee & the assessment fee in the SPOT.

Guest Lecturers

Inform about the guest lecturer by sending an e-mail to Charlotte Visbech Madsen ( as soon as possible with the following information:

  • The name of the course which the guest lecture is part of
  • Name, title, e-mail address and affiliation of the guest lecturer
  • Title, time and place of the guest lecture

One of the following:

1. The guest lecturer can be given a fee for 2 lessons = 7 working hours.

  • Note that a lecture which involves a fee must be announced on the SDU webpage and must be public. You are responsible for forwarding information about a guest lecture with fee to Charlotte V. Madsen, so that it can be announced on the webpage no later than 7 days before the lecture.

2. You may give up to 2-3 bottles of wine to the guest lecturer. Make sure to order the bottles from Charlotte will in advance of the lecture.

Travel expenses are covered within Denmark as follows:

  1. Cheapest public means of transport.
  2. Mileage (own car) - will be reported to SKAT.

Find the guest lecturer fee in English here.
Find the guest lecturer fee in Danish here.

Find the assessment fee in English here.
Find the assessment fee in Danish here.


To the seminar coordinators and hosts.

Seminar guest guidelines

Fill in an “Order form for events” and send it to Find the order form here.
You can write in Danish language if you want.
In the order form please include as much information as you can and be very specific because the student assistants who will be helping you do not always know what it means to have a seminar guest. For example, for two nights in a hotel, write: 2 nights, check in July 2, check out July 4, just to avoid any confusion.
You can read more about how to fill out the order form in our guide here.
If you do not have all the information at once, you can always send additional info to

The travel reimbursement form in Danish language is for Danish-speaking guests who want the money to be transferred to a bank account in Denmark/their NEM account.

Please find the Danish language reimbursement form here.
NOTE: You must download the pdf. and open in Adobe Acrobat.

The travel reimbursement form in English language can be used by international guests who want the money to be transferred to a bank account abroad or by non-Danish speaking guests who have a NEM account in Denmark.

You can find the English reimbursement form here.
NOTE: You must download the pdf. and open in Adobe Acrobat.

Here is a guideline on how the fill out the travel reimbursement form:

Personal information: Fill in Name, Home address, Postal code, Town and Country.

SDU department: Economics
Destination: SDU Odense (or other destination)
Address: Campusvej 55 (or other address)
Purpose: Write the reason for your visit, for example “Econometrics seminar”

Departure/Return: Write the departure and return dates.

Currency: Write the currency/currencies that your ticket(s) were paid in.

Exchange rate: Fill in if you want the currency/currencies of a particular date – Leave empty if you want our travel office to use the current exchange rate(s).

Banking details:

  • Account in a foreign bank: Fill in as much information (Account number, IBAN, SWIFT, etc.) as you can. Write the information on a separate sheet if you prefer.
  • Account in a Danish bank (Nemkonto): Add your CPR-nr. – or use the Danish form.

Transportation costs: List your transportation costs and other expenses.
Include ALL amounts individually in the currency that is printed on the tickets/receipts (if you write the total amount for all taxis in Denmark, for example, you must still include all the individual amounts – see the bottom line in the example below). You do not have to convert amounts to Danish kroner (DKK) or to add up the total. If there are not enough lines at the top, use the ones lower down.
Only include items that you have paid for (for example, do not include accommodation if we have paid for your hotel).
Enclose tickets (or receipts if there are no tickets) for all amounts (originals/copies/scans).

We do not reimburse: meals (except lunch at SDU), car rental, Uber taxi (and similar transportation networks).

Traveler's signature: Print and sign the form.

Example: Transportation costs

Example of Transportation costs

Always inform the guest that personal data are handled according to SDU’s data protection rules.

Make sure that the guest knows that we do not reimburse meals and car rental (rental, gas)

We reimburse transportation costs, provided that the guest travels economy class (flight, train, bus, taxi – and possibly mileage, see below). Usually the department has already paid for a hotel room before the guest arrives through the 'Order form of events'.

The guest must fill out the travel expense form and return it to the department.

On the reimbursement form, the guest’s transportation costs must be listed. All amounts must be given in the original currency. It is not necessary to convert the amounts to Danish kroner, unless the guest wants the specific exchange rate for the day of purchase. Our travel office will use the current exchange rate.

We do not normally reimburse mileage. In exceptional cases we can allow it, for example if there is no (reasonable) public transportation alternative. If mileage is claimed, the registration number of the car must be included on the form, and it must be indicated whether it is a rented car or the guest’s own car.

All tickets/receipts must be included (scans/copies/originals) and the form must be signed and returned to the department.

Note - It is a great help if the guest includes an additional list of all expenses in original currencies.




SPOT - Guest Lecturer Fee in English

Please find the form for the guest lecturer fee in English.

Guest Fee - English

SPOT - Assessment Fee in English

Please find the form for assessment fee in English.

Assessment fee in English

SPOT - Seminar travel reimbursement

Please download the English version of travel reimbursement form for seminar guests.

Travel reimbursement form

SPOT - Seminar travel reimbursement form in Danish

Please download the Danish version of the travel reimbursement form for seminar guests.

Travel reimbursement form

Order form for Events (including Seminars)

Please find the order form for events, this is needed to book hotel and other four your seminar guest.

Order of Event form

Last Updated 06.02.2023