Guidelines for mobile devices at SDU
As an employee at SDU, you may have the opportunity to at an SDU-owned phone number or an extra SIM card. If you wish to know more about your phone opportunities, ask Astrid Holm Nielsen.
If you have a SDU-owned phone or SIM card there are certain guidelines that you must follow, find the guidelines here.
Tips & Advice for your computer
The IT services have gathered tips and advice that may be useful and needed in your work, find them here.
As SDU all users have Microsoft Teams for calls.
Please find more information about Teams here.
Zoom Meetings
Making a New Calendar Invitation a Zoom Meeting
1. Open your Outlook Calendar
2. Right-click on the date/time desired and select New Appointment
3. Select either Schedule A Meeting or Personal Audio Conference to schedule the meeting type of your choice
4. If you select Schedule A Meeting, the settings window will appear with additional options. Select your desired settings in the settings window
- Video - Host: If you select on, the host's video will be automatically started when starting the meeting. If you choose off, the host's video will be off, but they will be able to turn it on.
- Video - Participant: If you select on, the participant's video will be automatically started when joining the meeting. If you choose off, the participant's video will be off, but they will have the option to turn it on.
- Audio Options: Choose if you want to use Telephony Only, Voip Only, Both Telephony and Voip or 3rd Party Audio.
Zoom Recommendation: if uncertain, leave on Both. - Require meeting password: If you would like to require a password for your meeting, enter it here.
- Enable join before host: Check if you would like to turn on join before host for your meeting. Read more about Join Before Host.
- Mute participants upon entry: Check if you would like new participants to be muted as they join.
- Use Personal Meeting ID: Check if you would like to use your Personal Meeting ID. If not checked, a randomly generated Meeting ID will be used.
- Recording the meeting automatically: check if you would like the meeting to be recorded automatically. Choose if you would like it recorded locally (to your computer) or to the cloud (if available for your account). Read more about automatic recording.
- Force include Join URL in location field: This will include the join URL in the location field even if you attempt to remove it.
- Alternative hosts: Enter the email addresses of any alternative hosts you like to set for your meeting. They need to be other Pro users on the same Zoom account. Read more about alternative hosts.
- Save and do not show again: Check this if you would like to use these same settings as a default for other meetings going forward.
5. Click Continue
6. The invitation will now automatically fill in the details.
7. Click Save & Close.
Joining a Zoom Meeting
- Each meeting has a unique 9, 10, or 11-digit number called a Meeting ID that will be required to join a Zoom meeting. This meeting-ID is in the invitation.
- Click the Link to join the meeting or copy the URL into a browser. Install any plugins that
you may be asked to install. The settings window will not pop up and you will need to manually open it to edit the settings. - If you are joining via telephone, you will need the teleconferencing number provided in the invite
- You can find Zoom in your applications folder on Mac or under programs in the Windows Start
- Menu. You can also choose to join without logging on to Zoom by choosing "Join meeting".
- If you are from SDU you may be prompted to login by Zoom.
- Choose "Logon through SSO" followed by typing This is only for SDU users.