List of grants you can apply for
How to apply
- Online, e-mail or regular mail
- Requested material
- Invitation letter from host university
- Motivation/application letter (there is an SDU template)
- Project proposal/description
- CV/resume
- Budget
- Bachelor's and Master's diploma or grade list
- Proof of income
- Skat/tax information
- Recommendation letters
- Forms provided by funds
Read about travel budget here.
Ask for help
- Administrative staff
- Ask PhD students who already went abroad
- Two-days course on writing grand proposal offered by SDU
- Translation to Danish if necessary
Got the grant - now what?
- Grants are either paid to the university or your own bank account
- Keep track of all your expenses
- Grants only cover what is stated in your budget
- Send report to funds after your research stay if required
- If money is left after research stay, you should inform the fund.