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Citizen science

Exercise boosts health and well-being

The SDG-related initiative 'SDU Moves' was launched with a brand new 'Get Moving Day' event on a beautiful, sunny Friday before the autumn break.

By Anne Kathrine Overgaard, , 10/22/2020

Due to COVID-19, the event offered both virtual activities, 'alone together' activities as well as a number of outdoor activities carried out in groups of a maximum of 10 people on SDU’s campuses. A total of 649 employees signed up for the activities. In additional, many participated in the 'alone together' activities, which did not require registration. The activities ranged from walks ‘n’ talks in and about nature to floorball, karate, innovative athletics, football fitness and orienteering.

The virtual activities also proved extremely popular, with yoga and intelligent fitness being the standout high jumpers. Many of our colleagues are still working on-campus – and they were all smiles.

The project managers have already received the first ideas from staff members. The suggestions include a running club, a regular floorball offer, a regular online yoga offer and using the walk 'n’ talk path at SDU Odense as a bookable ‘meeting room’ in the resource finding tool.

Collaboration with Dansk Firmaidrætsforbund

On the same day, SDU also signed a co-operation agreement with Dansk Firmaidrætsforbund (The Danish Association for Company Sports). Over the next two years, SDU and DF will be teaming up to integrate movement as part of our culture at SDU – both for employees and students.

Movement during working and study time should not be restricted to an annual exercise day, but rather be a natural part of our workdays, whether we’re working from home or on campus. The exercises must be simple and easy to fit into our everyday lives.


The Get Moving Day is part of the SDG challenge 'SDU Moves’, which was approved through a vote among staff members and students in the autumn of 2019 and subsequently set in motion by the Executive Board. COVID-19 has only made the challenge even more relevant, as studies show that we’re less active during the pandemic than normal. This takes its toll on our health – both physically and mentally.

The project is based on research in Active Living, which shows that physical activity stimulates both health and well-being. With this project, SDU intends to get a taste of its own medicine, so to speak, and thereby contribute positively to the overall well-being at the University.

'SDU Moves' is part of both a strategy, a citizen science project and a research project that will support SDU's work with SDG no. 3 on good health & well-being. The research part is managed by Professor Jens Troelsen of the Department of Sports Science and Biomechanics, while the Citizen Science part is undertaken by the CS network, headed by Deputy Head Thomas Kaarsted, SDUB and Head of Division Anne Kathrine Overgaard, SUND.

The next steps

'SDU Moves' is all about behaviour and culture. Therefore, it is crucial that the project is developed in close collaboration with staff and students. In the next phases, together with the newly employed movement consultant Linnea Sjöberg, we will enter into a dialogue with staff and students to find solutions that make sense across the various sections and for the students.

Comments and suggestions for the 'SDU Moves' project may be sent to

Editing was completed: 22.10.2020