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Food waste

The fridge is never empty at HUM

The staff of the departments and secretariats of the Faculty of Humanities are trying to address food waste, but this is not something they have just started doing. It is a scheme they have had for many years, they say.

By Andreas Brunebjerg Jørgensen, , 3/19/2020

When staff at the Faculty Secretariat open the refrigerator in the communal kitchen, they will most likely find the remains of a Danish brunsviger cake or a couple of sandwiches just waiting to be eaten.

The department runs an on-going food waste scheme, where leftovers from meetings and conferences are shared with the rest of the department. Administrative officer Gitta Stærmose says the following about the scheme. 

- Leftover food is brought to the respective kitchen and put in the fridge, after which staff are free to enjoy the surplus food.

Nothing new under the sun

- I have been here for many years and this has always been part of our culture. It’s very nice, as nothing gets thrown into the rubbish bin, says Gitta Stærmose and adds:

- It is somehow a completely subconscious and natural part of our daily lives out here, and at the same time we are helping to make the university more sustainable by addressing food waste. 


Everyone can take the culture on board

The various secretariats and departments of the faculty are familiar with the food waste scheme, and Gitta Stærmose points out the importance of working together against food waste.

- We cannot influence what other faculties and institutes do to address food waste of course, but the food waste culture could be considered as an option if it has not already been implemented. After all, everyone stands to benefit in the end. 
Editing was completed: 19.03.2020