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Opening of new tram stop

Come to the opening of the new tram stop and see Nyt SUND

On Friday 25 August at 12 noon, the new tram stop 'SDU Syd/Hospital Nord' will be inaugurated. The opening also marks the opening of the teaching facilities at Nyt SUND on Monday 28 August.

Everyone is welcome to drop by and celebrate the inauguration with a ribbon cutting, a few words from SDU’s Chairman of the Board Søren Vilby and Odense’s Mayor Peter Rahbæk Juel, among others, and refreshments. All of this to the strains of ‘Fanfare for Odense Letbane’ played by the brass quintet Messing Monopolet.

While you’re there, take the opportunity to explore the beautiful Nyt SUND building.

The new tram stop is located at the end of Nyt SUND, approx.. 500 metres from the end of Stenten S.

Editing was completed: 24.08.2023