New SDU HR off to a good start
The new central HR department, SDU HR, is well under way in the process of coming together. The last managerial positions have been filled and the reorganisation is expected to be fully in place by the summer holidays.
On 1 February 2022, Human Resource Service became SDU HR, and since then we have been working to make the new organisation fall into place. Managers and staff of SDU HR's five new departments (Employees, Payroll, Digital, Work Environment & Development and Staff) are in the process of setting up the new units. At the same time, the last managerial positions have also been filled and on 1 March 2022, we welcomed the following managers:
Marie Ejegod Hornbøll as Head of Payroll.
Marie will be responsible for the payment of approximately DKK 2.2 billion in salaries to 14,000 people (approx. 3,900 full-time equivalents).
Charlotte Schönbeck as Head of Staff.
Charlotte will be tasked with setting up a new unit to handle many of the internal cross-departmental tasks in SDU HR, such as finance, communications and management services.
The organisational change also means that some tasks will have to change hands, and the affected employees are well under way in training their colleagues. As SDU HR has prioritised secure operations all along, tasks will be relocated at a pace that allows SDU HR to continue to serve the organisation as before. We expect the reorganisation of tasks to fall into place around the summer holidays.
The outside world and requirements put on HR are constantly changing. Greater and more differentiated demands are being put on our work with HR topics. These include increased digitalisation and internationalisation, increased focus on equal opportunities and changing approaches to and frameworks for recruitment, career paths and best managerial practices at SDU.
SDU's HR work aims to support the direction of the University by delivering quality HR services. These HR services must be clearly organised in a structure that is oriented towards SDU, making it easy for the organisation to get in touch with us for assistance. Therefore, it has also been necessary to adapt the HR organisation to meet the new requirements and expectations.
At the HR seminar on 30 May 2022 for HR staff at SDU, we will, among other things, be explaining more about the background to and progress of the new organisation of SDU HR.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of the SDU HR managers.