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OUH and SDU have embarked on an even closer collaboration

A good healthcare system requires perspectives from all university disciplines.

The room was buzzing with energy as more than 100 associate professors, professors and senior doctors and nurses from OUH and SDU gathered on Monday 22 April to discuss four main themes in the healthcare system:

  • How do we reduce health inequity?
  • How do we organise ourselves in relation to the demographic development?
  • How do we ensure the correct clinical prioritisation?
  • How do we take advantage of technological developments in healthcare solutions?

And energy is particularly important when dealing with such fundamental issues.

Alliances across silos

This was emphasised in the opening keynote of the seminar by Sigge Winther, founder and director of the think tank Institute for Wild Problems (Institut for Vilde Problemer) and former director of DJØF.

- The challenges facing the healthcare system are characterised by having many different causes, disagreement about their solutions, many actors and conflicts of interest. These types of challenges have to be addressed by alliances across silos. This is extremely difficult to do, so start where you identify energy rather than searching for the most impactful place to start. And you have to go all in – otherwise you might as well go home.

Sammen om Sundhed – Connected in Health

At the kick-off seminar, the official name of the collaboration was also revealed – Sammen om Sundhed in Danish and Connected in Health in English. The name symbolises a common endeavour to create health together and signals that in the future, the collaboration will include other actors in addition to SDU and OUH.

Bank of needs on a new joint website

The participants’ input from the event will now be analysed and will form the basis for a bank of needs which will be made available on a new joint website

The idea is to establish partnerships between those who have ideas and needs and those who have an interest in working on that idea or need. This will create the best motivation for ultimately finding the right solution.
OUH and SDU will therefore use the website to seek out new partnerships with local, national and international partners.


Editing was completed: 30.04.2024